Title: | Modeling Workflows |
Description: | Managing both a 'parsnip' model and a preprocessor, such as a model formula or recipe from 'recipes', can often be challenging. The goal of 'workflows' is to streamline this process by bundling the model alongside the preprocessor, all within the same object. |
Authors: | Davis Vaughan [aut],
Simon Couch [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Simon Couch <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-03-21 06:22:02 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/tidymodels/workflows |
This family of functions revolves around selecting a column of data
to use
for case weights. This column must be one of the allowed case weight types,
such as hardhat::frequency_weights()
or hardhat::importance_weights()
Specifically, it must return TRUE
from hardhat::is_case_weights()
. The
underlying model will decide whether or not the type of case weights you have
supplied are applicable or not.
specifies the column that will be interpreted as
case weights in the model. This column must be present in the data
supplied to fit().
removes the case weights. Additionally, if the
model has already been fit, then the fit is removed.
first removes the case weights, then replaces them
with the new ones.
add_case_weights(x, col) remove_case_weights(x) update_case_weights(x, col)
add_case_weights(x, col) remove_case_weights(x) update_case_weights(x, col)
x |
A workflow |
col |
A single unquoted column name specifying the case weights for
the model. This must be a classed case weights column, as determined by
For formula and variable preprocessors, the case weights col
is removed
from the data before the preprocessor is evaluated. This allows you to use
formulas like y ~ .
or tidyselection like everything()
without fear of
accidentally selecting the case weights column.
For recipe preprocessors, the case weights col
is not removed and is
passed along to the recipe. Typically, your recipe will include steps that
can utilize case weights.
library(parsnip) library(magrittr) library(hardhat) mtcars2 <- mtcars mtcars2$gear <- frequency_weights(mtcars2$gear) spec <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") wf <- workflow() %>% add_case_weights(gear) %>% add_formula(mpg ~ .) %>% add_model(spec) wf <- fit(wf, mtcars2) # Notice that the case weights (gear) aren't included in the predictors extract_mold(wf)$predictors # Strip them out of the workflow, which also resets the model remove_case_weights(wf)
library(parsnip) library(magrittr) library(hardhat) mtcars2 <- mtcars mtcars2$gear <- frequency_weights(mtcars2$gear) spec <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") wf <- workflow() %>% add_case_weights(gear) %>% add_formula(mpg ~ .) %>% add_model(spec) wf <- fit(wf, mtcars2) # Notice that the case weights (gear) aren't included in the predictors extract_mold(wf)$predictors # Strip them out of the workflow, which also resets the model remove_case_weights(wf)
specifies the terms of the model through the usage of a
removes the formula as well as any downstream objects
that might get created after the formula is used for preprocessing, such as
terms. Additionally, if the model has already been fit, then the fit is
first removes the formula, then replaces the previous
formula with the new one. Any model that has already been fit based on this
formula will need to be refit.
add_formula(x, formula, ..., blueprint = NULL) remove_formula(x) update_formula(x, formula, ..., blueprint = NULL)
add_formula(x, formula, ..., blueprint = NULL) remove_formula(x) update_formula(x, formula, ..., blueprint = NULL)
x |
A workflow |
formula |
A formula specifying the terms of the model. It is advised to not do preprocessing in the formula, and instead use a recipe if that is required. |
... |
Not used. |
blueprint |
A hardhat blueprint used for fine tuning the preprocessing. If Note that preprocessing done here is separate from preprocessing that
might be done by the underlying model. For example, if a blueprint with
To fit a workflow, exactly one of add_formula()
, add_recipe()
, or
must be specified.
, updated with either a new or removed formula preprocessor.
Note that, for different models, the formula given to add_formula()
might be handled in different ways, depending on the parsnip model being
used. For example, a random forest model fit using ranger would not
convert any factor predictors to binary indicator variables. This is
consistent with what ranger::ranger()
would do, but is inconsistent
with what stats::model.matrix()
would do.
The documentation for parsnip models provides details about how the data
given in the formula are encoded for the model if they diverge from the
standard model.matrix()
methodology. Our goal is to be consistent with
how the underlying model package works.
To demonstrate, the example below uses lm()
to fit a model. The
formula given to add_formula()
is used to create the model matrix and
that is what is passed to lm()
with a simple formula of
body_mass_g ~ .
library(parsnip) library(workflows) library(magrittr) library(modeldata) library(hardhat) data(penguins) lm_mod <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") lm_wflow <- workflow() %>% add_model(lm_mod) pre_encoded <- lm_wflow %>% add_formula(body_mass_g ~ species + island + bill_depth_mm) %>% fit(data = penguins) pre_encoded_parsnip_fit <- pre_encoded %>% extract_fit_parsnip() pre_encoded_fit <- pre_encoded_parsnip_fit$fit # The `lm()` formula is *not* the same as the `add_formula()` formula: pre_encoded_fit
## ## Call: ## stats::lm(formula = ..y ~ ., data = data) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) speciesChinstrap speciesGentoo ## -1009.943 1.328 2236.865 ## islandDream islandTorgersen bill_depth_mm ## 9.221 -18.433 256.913
This can affect how the results are analyzed. For example, to get sequential hypothesis tests, each individual term is tested:
## Analysis of Variance Table ## ## Response: ..y ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## speciesChinstrap 1 18642821 18642821 141.1482 <2e-16 *** ## speciesGentoo 1 128221393 128221393 970.7875 <2e-16 *** ## islandDream 1 13399 13399 0.1014 0.7503 ## islandTorgersen 1 255 255 0.0019 0.9650 ## bill_depth_mm 1 28051023 28051023 212.3794 <2e-16 *** ## Residuals 336 44378805 132080 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Users can override the model-specific encodings by using a hardhat blueprint. The blueprint can specify how factors are encoded and whether intercepts are included. As an example, if you use a formula and would like the data to be passed to a model untouched:
minimal <- default_formula_blueprint(indicators = "none", intercept = FALSE) un_encoded <- lm_wflow %>% add_formula( body_mass_g ~ species + island + bill_depth_mm, blueprint = minimal ) %>% fit(data = penguins) un_encoded_parsnip_fit <- un_encoded %>% extract_fit_parsnip() un_encoded_fit <- un_encoded_parsnip_fit$fit un_encoded_fit
## ## Call: ## stats::lm(formula = ..y ~ ., data = data) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) bill_depth_mm speciesChinstrap ## -1009.943 256.913 1.328 ## speciesGentoo islandDream islandTorgersen ## 2236.865 9.221 -18.433
While this looks the same, the raw columns were given to lm()
and that
function created the dummy variables. Because of this, the sequential
ANOVA tests groups of parameters to get column-level p-values:
## Analysis of Variance Table ## ## Response: ..y ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## bill_depth_mm 1 48840779 48840779 369.782 <2e-16 *** ## species 2 126067249 63033624 477.239 <2e-16 *** ## island 2 20864 10432 0.079 0.9241 ## Residuals 336 44378805 132080 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Additionally, the formula passed to the underlying model can also be
customized. In this case, the formula
argument of add_model()
can be
used. To demonstrate, a spline function will be used for the bill depth:
library(splines) custom_formula <- workflow() %>% add_model( lm_mod, formula = body_mass_g ~ species + island + ns(bill_depth_mm, 3) ) %>% add_formula( body_mass_g ~ species + island + bill_depth_mm, blueprint = minimal ) %>% fit(data = penguins) custom_parsnip_fit <- custom_formula %>% extract_fit_parsnip() custom_fit <- custom_parsnip_fit$fit custom_fit
## ## Call: ## stats::lm(formula = body_mass_g ~ species + island + ns(bill_depth_mm, ## 3), data = data) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) speciesChinstrap speciesGentoo ## 1959.090 8.534 2352.137 ## islandDream islandTorgersen ns(bill_depth_mm, 3)1 ## 2.425 -12.002 1476.386 ## ns(bill_depth_mm, 3)2 ns(bill_depth_mm, 3)3 ## 3187.839 1686.996
Finally, when a formula is updated or removed from a fitted workflow, the corresponding model fit is removed.
custom_formula_no_fit <- update_formula(custom_formula, body_mass_g ~ species) try(extract_fit_parsnip(custom_formula_no_fit))
## Error in extract_fit_parsnip(custom_formula_no_fit) : ## Can't extract a model fit from an untrained workflow. ## i Do you need to call `fit()`?
workflow <- workflow() workflow <- add_formula(workflow, mpg ~ cyl) workflow remove_formula(workflow) update_formula(workflow, mpg ~ disp)
workflow <- workflow() workflow <- add_formula(workflow, mpg ~ cyl) workflow remove_formula(workflow) update_formula(workflow, mpg ~ disp)
adds a parsnip model to the workflow.
removes the model specification as well as any fitted
model object. Any extra formulas are also removed.
first removes the model then adds the new specification to
the workflow.
add_model(x, spec, ..., formula = NULL) remove_model(x) update_model(x, spec, ..., formula = NULL)
add_model(x, spec, ..., formula = NULL) remove_model(x) update_model(x, spec, ..., formula = NULL)
x |
A workflow. |
spec |
A parsnip model specification. |
... |
These dots are for future extensions and must be empty. |
formula |
An optional formula override to specify the terms of the model. Typically, the terms are extracted from the formula or recipe preprocessing methods. However, some models (like survival and bayesian models) use the formula not to preprocess, but to specify the structure of the model. In those cases, a formula specifying the model structure must be passed unchanged into the model call itself. This argument is used for those purposes. |
is a required step to construct a minimal workflow.
, updated with either a new or removed model.
Some modeling functions in R create indicator/dummy variables from
categorical data when you use a model formula, and some do not. When you
specify and fit a model with a workflow()
, parsnip and workflows match
and reproduce the underlying behavior of the user-specified model’s
computational engine.
In the modeldata::Sacramento data set of real
estate prices, the type
variable has three levels: "Residential"
, and "Multi-Family"
. This base workflow()
contains a
formula added via add_formula()
to predict property
price from property type, square footage, number of beds, and number of
set.seed(123) library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(workflows) library(modeldata) data("Sacramento") base_wf <- workflow() %>% add_formula(price ~ type + sqft + beds + baths)
This first model does create dummy/indicator variables:
lm_spec <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") base_wf %>% add_model(lm_spec) %>% fit(Sacramento)
## == Workflow [trained] ================================================ ## Preprocessor: Formula ## Model: linear_reg() ## ## -- Preprocessor ------------------------------------------------------ ## price ~ type + sqft + beds + baths ## ## -- Model ------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Call: ## stats::lm(formula = ..y ~ ., data = data) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) typeMulti_Family typeResidential ## 32919.4 -21995.8 33688.6 ## sqft beds baths ## 156.2 -29788.0 8730.0
There are five independent variables in the fitted model for this
OLS linear regression. With this model type and engine, the factor
predictor type
of the real estate properties was converted to two
binary predictors, typeMulti_Family
and typeResidential
. (The third
type, for condos, does not need its own column because it is the
baseline level).
This second model does not create dummy/indicator variables:
rf_spec <- rand_forest() %>% set_mode("regression") %>% set_engine("ranger") base_wf %>% add_model(rf_spec) %>% fit(Sacramento)
## == Workflow [trained] ================================================ ## Preprocessor: Formula ## Model: rand_forest() ## ## -- Preprocessor ------------------------------------------------------ ## price ~ type + sqft + beds + baths ## ## -- Model ------------------------------------------------------------- ## Ranger result ## ## Call: ## ranger::ranger(x = maybe_data_frame(x), y = y, num.threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, seed = sample.int(10^5, 1)) ## ## Type: Regression ## Number of trees: 500 ## Sample size: 932 ## Number of independent variables: 4 ## Mtry: 2 ## Target node size: 5 ## Variable importance mode: none ## Splitrule: variance ## OOB prediction error (MSE): 7058847504 ## R squared (OOB): 0.5894647
Note that there are four independent variables in the fitted model
for this ranger random forest. With this model type and engine,
indicator variables were not created for the type
of real estate
property being sold. Tree-based models such as random forest models can
handle factor predictors directly, and don’t need any conversion to
numeric binary variables.
When you specify a model with a workflow()
and a recipe preprocessor
via add_recipe()
, the recipe controls whether dummy
variables are created or not; the recipe overrides any underlying
behavior from the model’s computational engine.
library(parsnip) lm_model <- linear_reg() lm_model <- set_engine(lm_model, "lm") regularized_model <- set_engine(lm_model, "glmnet") workflow <- workflow() workflow <- add_model(workflow, lm_model) workflow workflow <- add_formula(workflow, mpg ~ .) workflow remove_model(workflow) fitted <- fit(workflow, data = mtcars) fitted remove_model(fitted) remove_model(workflow) update_model(workflow, regularized_model) update_model(fitted, regularized_model)
library(parsnip) lm_model <- linear_reg() lm_model <- set_engine(lm_model, "lm") regularized_model <- set_engine(lm_model, "glmnet") workflow <- workflow() workflow <- add_model(workflow, lm_model) workflow workflow <- add_formula(workflow, mpg ~ .) workflow remove_model(workflow) fitted <- fit(workflow, data = mtcars) fitted remove_model(fitted) remove_model(workflow) update_model(workflow, regularized_model) update_model(fitted, regularized_model)
specifies the terms of the model and any preprocessing that
is required through the usage of a recipe.
removes the recipe as well as any downstream objects
that might get created after the recipe is used for preprocessing, such as
the prepped recipe. Additionally, if the model has already been fit, then
the fit is removed.
first removes the recipe, then replaces the previous
recipe with the new one. Any model that has already been fit based on this
recipe will need to be refit.
add_recipe(x, recipe, ..., blueprint = NULL) remove_recipe(x) update_recipe(x, recipe, ..., blueprint = NULL)
add_recipe(x, recipe, ..., blueprint = NULL) remove_recipe(x) update_recipe(x, recipe, ..., blueprint = NULL)
x |
A workflow |
recipe |
A recipe created using |
... |
Not used. |
blueprint |
A hardhat blueprint used for fine tuning the preprocessing. If Note that preprocessing done here is separate from preprocessing that might be done automatically by the underlying model. |
To fit a workflow, exactly one of add_formula()
, add_recipe()
, or
must be specified.
, updated with either a new or removed recipe preprocessor.
library(recipes) library(magrittr) recipe <- recipe(mpg ~ cyl, mtcars) %>% step_log(cyl) workflow <- workflow() %>% add_recipe(recipe) workflow remove_recipe(workflow) update_recipe(workflow, recipe(mpg ~ cyl, mtcars))
library(recipes) library(magrittr) recipe <- recipe(mpg ~ cyl, mtcars) %>% step_log(cyl) workflow <- workflow() %>% add_recipe(recipe) workflow remove_recipe(workflow) update_recipe(workflow, recipe(mpg ~ cyl, mtcars))
specifies post-processing steps to apply through the
usage of a tailor.
removes the tailor as well as any downstream objects
that might get created after the tailor is used for post-processing, such as
the fitted tailor.
first removes the tailor, then replaces the previous
tailor with the new one.
add_tailor(x, tailor, ...) remove_tailor(x) update_tailor(x, tailor, ...)
add_tailor(x, tailor, ...) remove_tailor(x) update_tailor(x, tailor, ...)
x |
A workflow |
tailor |
A tailor created using |
... |
Not used. |
, updated with either a new or removed tailor postprocessor.
While preprocessors and models are trained on data in the usual sense,
postprocessors are training on predictions on data. When a workflow
is fitted, the user typically supplies training data with the data
When workflows don't contain a postprocessor that requires training,
users can pass all of the available data to the data
argument to train the
preprocessor and model. However, in the case where a postprocessor must be
trained as well, allotting all of the available data to the data
to train the preprocessor and model would leave no data
to train the postprocessor with—if that were the case, workflows
would need to predict()
from the preprocessor and model on the same data
that they were trained on, with the postprocessor then training on those
predictions. Predictions on data that a model was trained on likely follow
different distributions than predictions on unseen data; thus, workflows must
split up the supplied data
into two training sets, where the first is used to
train the preprocessor and model and the second, called the "calibration set,"
is passed to that trained postprocessor and model to generate predictions,
which then form the training data for the postprocessor.
When fitting a workflow with a postprocessor that requires training
(i.e. one that returns TRUE
in .workflow_includes_calibration(workflow)
), users
must pass two data arguments–the usual fit.workflow(data)
will be used
to train the preprocessor and model while fit.workflow(calibration)
be used to train the postprocessor.
In some situations, randomly splitting fit.workflow(data)
, for example) is sufficient to prevent data
leakage. However, fit.workflow(data)
could also have arisen as:
boots <- rsample::bootstraps(some_other_data) split <- rsample::get_rsplit(boots, 1) data <- rsample::analysis(split)
In this case, some of the rows in data
will be duplicated. Thus, randomly
allotting some of them to train the preprocessor and model and others to train
the preprocessor would likely result in the same rows appearing in both
datasets, resulting in the preprocessor and model generating predictions on
rows they've seen before. Similarly problematic situations could arise in the
context of other resampling situations, like time-based splits.
In general, use the rsample::inner_split()
function to prevent data
leakage when resampling; when workflows with postprocessors that require
training are passed to the tune package, this is handled internally.
library(tailor) library(magrittr) tailor <- tailor() tailor_1 <- adjust_probability_threshold(tailor, .1) workflow <- workflow() %>% add_tailor(tailor_1) workflow remove_tailor(workflow) update_tailor(workflow, adjust_probability_threshold(tailor, .2))
library(tailor) library(magrittr) tailor <- tailor() tailor_1 <- adjust_probability_threshold(tailor, .1) workflow <- workflow() %>% add_tailor(tailor_1) workflow remove_tailor(workflow) update_tailor(workflow, adjust_probability_threshold(tailor, .2))
specifies the terms of the model through the usage of
tidyselect::select_helpers for the outcomes
and predictors
removes the variables. Additionally, if the model
has already been fit, then the fit is removed.
first removes the variables, then replaces the
previous variables with the new ones. Any model that has already been
fit based on the original variables will need to be refit.
bundles outcomes
and predictors
into a single
variables object, which can be supplied to add_variables()
add_variables(x, outcomes, predictors, ..., blueprint = NULL, variables = NULL) remove_variables(x) update_variables( x, outcomes, predictors, ..., blueprint = NULL, variables = NULL ) workflow_variables(outcomes, predictors)
add_variables(x, outcomes, predictors, ..., blueprint = NULL, variables = NULL) remove_variables(x) update_variables( x, outcomes, predictors, ..., blueprint = NULL, variables = NULL ) workflow_variables(outcomes, predictors)
x |
A workflow |
outcomes , predictors
Tidyselect expressions specifying the terms
of the model. |
... |
Not used. |
blueprint |
A hardhat blueprint used for fine tuning the preprocessing. If Note that preprocessing done here is separate from preprocessing that might be done by the underlying model. |
variables |
An alternative specification of
To fit a workflow, exactly one of add_formula()
, add_recipe()
, or
must be specified.
returns x
with a new variables preprocessor.
returns x
after resetting any model fit and
removing the variables preprocessor.
returns x
after removing the variables preprocessor,
and then re-specifying it with new variables.
returns a 'workflow_variables' object containing
both the outcomes
and predictors
library(parsnip) spec_lm <- linear_reg() spec_lm <- set_engine(spec_lm, "lm") workflow <- workflow() workflow <- add_model(workflow, spec_lm) # Add terms with tidyselect expressions. # Outcomes are specified before predictors. workflow1 <- add_variables( workflow, outcomes = mpg, predictors = c(cyl, disp) ) workflow1 <- fit(workflow1, mtcars) workflow1 # Removing the variables of a fit workflow will also remove the model remove_variables(workflow1) # Variables can also be updated update_variables(workflow1, mpg, starts_with("d")) # The `outcomes` are removed before the `predictors` expression # is evaluated. This allows you to easily specify the predictors # as "everything except the outcomes". workflow2 <- add_variables(workflow, mpg, everything()) workflow2 <- fit(workflow2, mtcars) extract_mold(workflow2)$predictors # Variables can also be added from the result of a call to # `workflow_variables()`, which creates a standalone variables object variables <- workflow_variables(mpg, c(cyl, disp)) workflow3 <- add_variables(workflow, variables = variables) fit(workflow3, mtcars)
library(parsnip) spec_lm <- linear_reg() spec_lm <- set_engine(spec_lm, "lm") workflow <- workflow() workflow <- add_model(workflow, spec_lm) # Add terms with tidyselect expressions. # Outcomes are specified before predictors. workflow1 <- add_variables( workflow, outcomes = mpg, predictors = c(cyl, disp) ) workflow1 <- fit(workflow1, mtcars) workflow1 # Removing the variables of a fit workflow will also remove the model remove_variables(workflow1) # Variables can also be updated update_variables(workflow1, mpg, starts_with("d")) # The `outcomes` are removed before the `predictors` expression # is evaluated. This allows you to easily specify the predictors # as "everything except the outcomes". workflow2 <- add_variables(workflow, mpg, everything()) workflow2 <- fit(workflow2, mtcars) extract_mold(workflow2)$predictors # Variables can also be added from the result of a call to # `workflow_variables()`, which creates a standalone variables object variables <- workflow_variables(mpg, c(cyl, disp)) workflow3 <- add_variables(workflow, variables = variables) fit(workflow3, mtcars)
This is a generics::augment()
method for a workflow that calls
on the underlying parsnip model with new_data
must be a trained workflow, resulting in fitted parsnip model to
will be preprocessed using the preprocessor in the workflow,
and that preprocessed data will be used to generate predictions. The
final result will contain the original new_data
with new columns containing
the prediction information.
## S3 method for class 'workflow' augment(x, new_data, eval_time = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'workflow' augment(x, new_data, eval_time = NULL, ...)
x |
A workflow |
new_data |
A data frame of predictors |
eval_time |
For censored regression models, a vector of time points at
which the survival probability is estimated. See
... |
Arguments passed on to methods |
with new prediction specific columns.
if (rlang::is_installed("broom")) { library(parsnip) library(magrittr) library(modeldata) data("attrition") model <- logistic_reg() %>% set_engine("glm") wf <- workflow() %>% add_model(model) %>% add_formula( Attrition ~ BusinessTravel + YearsSinceLastPromotion + OverTime ) wf_fit <- fit(wf, attrition) augment(wf_fit, attrition) }
if (rlang::is_installed("broom")) { library(parsnip) library(magrittr) library(modeldata) data("attrition") model <- logistic_reg() %>% set_engine("glm") wf <- workflow() %>% add_model(model) %>% add_formula( Attrition ~ BusinessTravel + YearsSinceLastPromotion + OverTime ) wf_fit <- fit(wf, attrition) augment(wf_fit, attrition) }
holds the control parameters for a workflow.
control_workflow(control_parsnip = NULL)
control_workflow(control_parsnip = NULL)
control_parsnip |
A parsnip control object. If |
A control_workflow
object for tweaking the workflow fitting process.
These functions extract various elements from a workflow object. If they do not exist yet, an error is thrown.
returns the formula, recipe, or variable
expressions used for preprocessing.
returns the parsnip model specification.
returns the parsnip model fit object.
returns the engine specific fit embedded within
a parsnip model fit. For example, when using parsnip::linear_reg()
with the "lm"
engine, this returns the underlying lm
returns the preprocessed "mold" object returned
from hardhat::mold()
. It contains information about the preprocessing,
including either the prepped recipe, the formula terms object, or
variable selectors.
returns the recipe. The estimated
argument specifies
whether the fitted or original recipe is returned.
returns a single dials parameter object.
returns a set of dials parameter objects.
returns a tibble with elapsed fit times. The fit
times correspond to the time for the parsnip engine or recipe steps to fit
(or their sum if summarize = TRUE
) and do not include other portions of
the elapsed time in fit.workflow()
## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_spec_parsnip(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_recipe(x, ..., estimated = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_fit_parsnip(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_fit_engine(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_mold(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_preprocessor(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_postprocessor(x, estimated = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_parameter_set_dials(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_parameter_dials(x, parameter, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_fit_time(x, summarize = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_spec_parsnip(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_recipe(x, ..., estimated = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_fit_parsnip(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_fit_engine(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_mold(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_preprocessor(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_postprocessor(x, estimated = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_parameter_set_dials(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_parameter_dials(x, parameter, ...) ## S3 method for class 'workflow' extract_fit_time(x, summarize = TRUE, ...)
x |
A workflow |
... |
Not currently used. |
estimated |
A logical for whether the original (unfit) recipe or the fitted recipe should be returned. This argument should be named. |
parameter |
A single string for the parameter ID. |
summarize |
A logical for whether the elapsed fit time should be returned as a single row or multiple rows. |
Extracting the underlying engine fit can be helpful for describing the
model (via print()
, summary()
, plot()
, etc.) or for variable
However, users should not invoke the predict()
method on an extracted
model. There may be preprocessing operations that workflows
has executed on
the data prior to giving it to the model. Bypassing these can lead to errors
or silently generating incorrect predictions.
workflow_fit %>% predict(new_data)
workflow_fit %>% extract_fit_engine() %>% predict(new_data) # or workflow_fit %>% extract_fit_parsnip() %>% predict(new_data)
The extracted value from the object, x
, as described in the description
library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(magrittr) model <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") recipe <- recipe(mpg ~ cyl + disp, mtcars) %>% step_log(disp) base_wf <- workflow() %>% add_model(model) recipe_wf <- add_recipe(base_wf, recipe) formula_wf <- add_formula(base_wf, mpg ~ cyl + log(disp)) variable_wf <- add_variables(base_wf, mpg, c(cyl, disp)) fit_recipe_wf <- fit(recipe_wf, mtcars) fit_formula_wf <- fit(formula_wf, mtcars) # The preprocessor is a recipe, formula, or a list holding the # tidyselect expressions identifying the outcomes/predictors extract_preprocessor(recipe_wf) extract_preprocessor(formula_wf) extract_preprocessor(variable_wf) # The `spec` is the parsnip spec before it has been fit. # The `fit` is the fitted parsnip model. extract_spec_parsnip(fit_formula_wf) extract_fit_parsnip(fit_formula_wf) extract_fit_engine(fit_formula_wf) # The mold is returned from `hardhat::mold()`, and contains the # predictors, outcomes, and information about the preprocessing # for use on new data at `predict()` time. extract_mold(fit_recipe_wf) # A useful shortcut is to extract the fitted recipe from the workflow extract_recipe(fit_recipe_wf) # That is identical to identical( extract_mold(fit_recipe_wf)$blueprint$recipe, extract_recipe(fit_recipe_wf) )
library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(magrittr) model <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") recipe <- recipe(mpg ~ cyl + disp, mtcars) %>% step_log(disp) base_wf <- workflow() %>% add_model(model) recipe_wf <- add_recipe(base_wf, recipe) formula_wf <- add_formula(base_wf, mpg ~ cyl + log(disp)) variable_wf <- add_variables(base_wf, mpg, c(cyl, disp)) fit_recipe_wf <- fit(recipe_wf, mtcars) fit_formula_wf <- fit(formula_wf, mtcars) # The preprocessor is a recipe, formula, or a list holding the # tidyselect expressions identifying the outcomes/predictors extract_preprocessor(recipe_wf) extract_preprocessor(formula_wf) extract_preprocessor(variable_wf) # The `spec` is the parsnip spec before it has been fit. # The `fit` is the fitted parsnip model. extract_spec_parsnip(fit_formula_wf) extract_fit_parsnip(fit_formula_wf) extract_fit_engine(fit_formula_wf) # The mold is returned from `hardhat::mold()`, and contains the # predictors, outcomes, and information about the preprocessing # for use on new data at `predict()` time. extract_mold(fit_recipe_wf) # A useful shortcut is to extract the fitted recipe from the workflow extract_recipe(fit_recipe_wf) # That is identical to identical( extract_mold(fit_recipe_wf)$blueprint$recipe, extract_recipe(fit_recipe_wf) )
Fitting a workflow currently involves three main steps:
Preprocessing the data using a formula preprocessor, or by calling
on a recipe.
Fitting the underlying parsnip model using parsnip::fit.model_spec()
Postprocessing predictions from the model using
## S3 method for class 'workflow' fit(object, data, ..., calibration = NULL, control = control_workflow())
## S3 method for class 'workflow' fit(object, data, ..., calibration = NULL, control = control_workflow())
object |
A workflow |
data |
A data frame of predictors and outcomes to use when fitting the preprocessor and model. |
... |
Not used |
calibration |
A data frame of predictors and outcomes to use when
fitting the postprocessor. See the "Data Usage" section of |
control |
A |
The workflow object
, updated with a fit parsnip model in the
Some modeling functions in R create indicator/dummy variables from
categorical data when you use a model formula, and some do not. When you
specify and fit a model with a workflow()
, parsnip and workflows match
and reproduce the underlying behavior of the user-specified model’s
computational engine.
In the modeldata::Sacramento data set of real
estate prices, the type
variable has three levels: "Residential"
, and "Multi-Family"
. This base workflow()
contains a
formula added via add_formula()
to predict property
price from property type, square footage, number of beds, and number of
set.seed(123) library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(workflows) library(modeldata) data("Sacramento") base_wf <- workflow() %>% add_formula(price ~ type + sqft + beds + baths)
This first model does create dummy/indicator variables:
lm_spec <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") base_wf %>% add_model(lm_spec) %>% fit(Sacramento)
## == Workflow [trained] ================================================ ## Preprocessor: Formula ## Model: linear_reg() ## ## -- Preprocessor ------------------------------------------------------ ## price ~ type + sqft + beds + baths ## ## -- Model ------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Call: ## stats::lm(formula = ..y ~ ., data = data) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) typeMulti_Family typeResidential ## 32919.4 -21995.8 33688.6 ## sqft beds baths ## 156.2 -29788.0 8730.0
There are five independent variables in the fitted model for this
OLS linear regression. With this model type and engine, the factor
predictor type
of the real estate properties was converted to two
binary predictors, typeMulti_Family
and typeResidential
. (The third
type, for condos, does not need its own column because it is the
baseline level).
This second model does not create dummy/indicator variables:
rf_spec <- rand_forest() %>% set_mode("regression") %>% set_engine("ranger") base_wf %>% add_model(rf_spec) %>% fit(Sacramento)
## == Workflow [trained] ================================================ ## Preprocessor: Formula ## Model: rand_forest() ## ## -- Preprocessor ------------------------------------------------------ ## price ~ type + sqft + beds + baths ## ## -- Model ------------------------------------------------------------- ## Ranger result ## ## Call: ## ranger::ranger(x = maybe_data_frame(x), y = y, num.threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, seed = sample.int(10^5, 1)) ## ## Type: Regression ## Number of trees: 500 ## Sample size: 932 ## Number of independent variables: 4 ## Mtry: 2 ## Target node size: 5 ## Variable importance mode: none ## Splitrule: variance ## OOB prediction error (MSE): 7058847504 ## R squared (OOB): 0.5894647
Note that there are four independent variables in the fitted model
for this ranger random forest. With this model type and engine,
indicator variables were not created for the type
of real estate
property being sold. Tree-based models such as random forest models can
handle factor predictors directly, and don’t need any conversion to
numeric binary variables.
When you specify a model with a workflow()
and a recipe preprocessor
via add_recipe()
, the recipe controls whether dummy
variables are created or not; the recipe overrides any underlying
behavior from the model’s computational engine.
library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(magrittr) model <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") base_wf <- workflow() %>% add_model(model) formula_wf <- base_wf %>% add_formula(mpg ~ cyl + log(disp)) fit(formula_wf, mtcars) recipe <- recipe(mpg ~ cyl + disp, mtcars) %>% step_log(disp) recipe_wf <- base_wf %>% add_recipe(recipe) fit(recipe_wf, mtcars)
library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(magrittr) model <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") base_wf <- workflow() %>% add_model(model) formula_wf <- base_wf %>% add_formula(mpg ~ cyl + log(disp)) fit(formula_wf, mtcars) recipe <- recipe(mpg ~ cyl + disp, mtcars) %>% step_log(disp) recipe_wf <- base_wf %>% add_recipe(recipe) fit(recipe_wf, mtcars)
This is a generics::glance()
method for a workflow that calls glance()
the underlying parsnip model.
must be a trained workflow, resulting in fitted parsnip model to
## S3 method for class 'workflow' glance(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'workflow' glance(x, ...)
x |
A workflow |
... |
Arguments passed on to methods |
if (rlang::is_installed(c("broom", "modeldata"))) { library(parsnip) library(magrittr) library(modeldata) data("attrition") model <- logistic_reg() %>% set_engine("glm") wf <- workflow() %>% add_model(model) %>% add_formula( Attrition ~ BusinessTravel + YearsSinceLastPromotion + OverTime ) # Workflow must be trained to call `glance()` try(glance(wf)) wf_fit <- fit(wf, attrition) glance(wf_fit) }
if (rlang::is_installed(c("broom", "modeldata"))) { library(parsnip) library(magrittr) library(modeldata) data("attrition") model <- logistic_reg() %>% set_engine("glm") wf <- workflow() %>% add_model(model) %>% add_formula( Attrition ~ BusinessTravel + YearsSinceLastPromotion + OverTime ) # Workflow must be trained to call `glance()` try(glance(wf)) wf_fit <- fit(wf, attrition) glance(wf_fit) }
A trained workflow is one that has gone through fit()
which preprocesses the underlying data, and fits the parsnip model.
x |
A workflow. |
A single logical indicating if the workflow has been trained or not.
library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(magrittr) rec <- recipe(mpg ~ cyl, mtcars) mod <- linear_reg() mod <- set_engine(mod, "lm") wf <- workflow() %>% add_recipe(rec) %>% add_model(mod) # Before any preprocessing or model fitting has been done is_trained_workflow(wf) wf <- fit(wf, mtcars) # After all preprocessing and model fitting is_trained_workflow(wf)
library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(magrittr) rec <- recipe(mpg ~ cyl, mtcars) mod <- linear_reg() mod <- set_engine(mod, "lm") wf <- workflow() %>% add_recipe(rec) %>% add_model(mod) # Before any preprocessing or model fitting has been done is_trained_workflow(wf) wf <- fit(wf, mtcars) # After all preprocessing and model fitting is_trained_workflow(wf)
This is the predict()
method for a fit workflow object. The nice thing
about predicting from a workflow is that it will:
Preprocess new_data
using the preprocessing method specified when the
workflow was created and fit. This is accomplished using
, which will apply any formula preprocessing or call
if a recipe was supplied.
Call parsnip::predict.model_fit()
for you using the underlying fit
parsnip model.
## S3 method for class 'workflow' predict(object, new_data, type = NULL, opts = list(), ...)
## S3 method for class 'workflow' predict(object, new_data, type = NULL, opts = list(), ...)
object |
A workflow that has been fit by |
new_data |
A data frame containing the new predictors to preprocess
and predict on. If using a recipe preprocessor, you should not call
type |
A single character value or |
opts |
A list of optional arguments to the underlying
predict function that will be used when |
... |
A data frame of model predictions, with as many rows as new_data
library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(magrittr) training <- mtcars[1:20, ] testing <- mtcars[21:32, ] model <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") workflow <- workflow() %>% add_model(model) recipe <- recipe(mpg ~ cyl + disp, training) %>% step_log(disp) workflow <- add_recipe(workflow, recipe) fit_workflow <- fit(workflow, training) # This will automatically `bake()` the recipe on `testing`, # applying the log step to `disp`, and then fit the regression. predict(fit_workflow, testing)
library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(magrittr) training <- mtcars[1:20, ] testing <- mtcars[21:32, ] model <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") workflow <- workflow() %>% add_model(model) recipe <- recipe(mpg ~ cyl + disp, training) %>% step_log(disp) workflow <- add_recipe(workflow, recipe) fit_workflow <- fit(workflow, training) # This will automatically `bake()` the recipe on `testing`, # applying the log step to `disp`, and then fit the regression. predict(fit_workflow, testing)
This is a generics::tidy()
method for a workflow that calls tidy()
either the underlying parsnip model or the recipe, depending on the value
of what
must be a fitted workflow, resulting in fitted parsnip model or prepped
recipe that you want to tidy.
## S3 method for class 'workflow' tidy(x, what = "model", ...)
## S3 method for class 'workflow' tidy(x, what = "model", ...)
x |
A workflow |
what |
A single string. Either |
... |
Arguments passed on to methods |
To tidy the unprepped recipe, use extract_preprocessor()
and tidy()
that directly.
A workflow
is a container object that aggregates information required to
fit and predict from a model. This information might be a recipe used in
preprocessing, specified through add_recipe()
, or the model specification
to fit, specified through add_model()
, or a tailor used in postprocessing,
specified through add_tailor()
The preprocessor
and spec
arguments allow you to add components to a
workflow quickly, without having to go through the add_*()
functions, such
as add_recipe()
or add_model()
. However, if you need to control any of
the optional arguments to those functions, such as the blueprint
or the
model formula
, then you should use the add_*()
functions directly
workflow(preprocessor = NULL, spec = NULL, postprocessor = NULL)
workflow(preprocessor = NULL, spec = NULL, postprocessor = NULL)
preprocessor |
An optional preprocessor to add to the workflow. One of:
spec |
An optional parsnip model specification to add to the workflow.
Passed on to |
postprocessor |
An optional |
A new workflow
Some modeling functions in R create indicator/dummy variables from
categorical data when you use a model formula, and some do not. When you
specify and fit a model with a workflow()
, parsnip and workflows match
and reproduce the underlying behavior of the user-specified model’s
computational engine.
In the modeldata::Sacramento data set of real
estate prices, the type
variable has three levels: "Residential"
, and "Multi-Family"
. This base workflow()
contains a
formula added via add_formula()
to predict property
price from property type, square footage, number of beds, and number of
set.seed(123) library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(workflows) library(modeldata) data("Sacramento") base_wf <- workflow() %>% add_formula(price ~ type + sqft + beds + baths)
This first model does create dummy/indicator variables:
lm_spec <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") base_wf %>% add_model(lm_spec) %>% fit(Sacramento)
## == Workflow [trained] ================================================ ## Preprocessor: Formula ## Model: linear_reg() ## ## -- Preprocessor ------------------------------------------------------ ## price ~ type + sqft + beds + baths ## ## -- Model ------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Call: ## stats::lm(formula = ..y ~ ., data = data) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) typeMulti_Family typeResidential ## 32919.4 -21995.8 33688.6 ## sqft beds baths ## 156.2 -29788.0 8730.0
There are five independent variables in the fitted model for this
OLS linear regression. With this model type and engine, the factor
predictor type
of the real estate properties was converted to two
binary predictors, typeMulti_Family
and typeResidential
. (The third
type, for condos, does not need its own column because it is the
baseline level).
This second model does not create dummy/indicator variables:
rf_spec <- rand_forest() %>% set_mode("regression") %>% set_engine("ranger") base_wf %>% add_model(rf_spec) %>% fit(Sacramento)
## == Workflow [trained] ================================================ ## Preprocessor: Formula ## Model: rand_forest() ## ## -- Preprocessor ------------------------------------------------------ ## price ~ type + sqft + beds + baths ## ## -- Model ------------------------------------------------------------- ## Ranger result ## ## Call: ## ranger::ranger(x = maybe_data_frame(x), y = y, num.threads = 1, verbose = FALSE, seed = sample.int(10^5, 1)) ## ## Type: Regression ## Number of trees: 500 ## Sample size: 932 ## Number of independent variables: 4 ## Mtry: 2 ## Target node size: 5 ## Variable importance mode: none ## Splitrule: variance ## OOB prediction error (MSE): 7058847504 ## R squared (OOB): 0.5894647
Note that there are four independent variables in the fitted model
for this ranger random forest. With this model type and engine,
indicator variables were not created for the type
of real estate
property being sold. Tree-based models such as random forest models can
handle factor predictors directly, and don’t need any conversion to
numeric binary variables.
When you specify a model with a workflow()
and a recipe preprocessor
via add_recipe()
, the recipe controls whether dummy
variables are created or not; the recipe overrides any underlying
behavior from the model’s computational engine.
library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(magrittr) library(modeldata) data("attrition") model <- logistic_reg() %>% set_engine("glm") formula <- Attrition ~ BusinessTravel + YearsSinceLastPromotion + OverTime wf_formula <- workflow(formula, model) fit(wf_formula, attrition) recipe <- recipe(Attrition ~ ., attrition) %>% step_dummy(all_nominal(), -Attrition) %>% step_corr(all_predictors(), threshold = 0.8) wf_recipe <- workflow(recipe, model) fit(wf_recipe, attrition) variables <- workflow_variables( Attrition, c(BusinessTravel, YearsSinceLastPromotion, OverTime) ) wf_variables <- workflow(variables, model) fit(wf_variables, attrition)
library(parsnip) library(recipes) library(magrittr) library(modeldata) data("attrition") model <- logistic_reg() %>% set_engine("glm") formula <- Attrition ~ BusinessTravel + YearsSinceLastPromotion + OverTime wf_formula <- workflow(formula, model) fit(wf_formula, attrition) recipe <- recipe(Attrition ~ ., attrition) %>% step_dummy(all_nominal(), -Attrition) %>% step_corr(all_predictors(), threshold = 0.8) wf_recipe <- workflow(recipe, model) fit(wf_recipe, attrition) variables <- workflow_variables( Attrition, c(BusinessTravel, YearsSinceLastPromotion, OverTime) ) wf_variables <- workflow(variables, model) fit(wf_variables, attrition)
These methods allow you to use the butcher package to reduce the size of
a workflow. After calling butcher::butcher()
on a workflow, the only
guarantee is that you will still be able to predict()
from that workflow.
Other functions may not work as expected.
axe_call.workflow(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) axe_ctrl.workflow(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) axe_data.workflow(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) axe_env.workflow(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) axe_fitted.workflow(x, verbose = FALSE, ...)
axe_call.workflow(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) axe_ctrl.workflow(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) axe_data.workflow(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) axe_env.workflow(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) axe_fitted.workflow(x, verbose = FALSE, ...)
x |
A workflow. |
verbose |
Should information be printed about how much memory is freed from butchering? |
... |
Extra arguments possibly used by underlying methods. |