Package 'hardhat'

Title: Construct Modeling Packages
Description: Building modeling packages is hard. A large amount of effort generally goes into providing an implementation for a new method that is efficient, fast, and correct, but often less emphasis is put on the user interface. A good interface requires specialized knowledge about S3 methods and formulas, which the average package developer might not have. The goal of 'hardhat' is to reduce the burden around building new modeling packages by providing functionality for preprocessing, predicting, and validating input.
Authors: Hannah Frick [aut, cre] , Davis Vaughan [aut], Max Kuhn [aut], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Hannah Frick <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-02 06:21:11 UTC

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Add an intercept column to data


This function adds an integer column of 1's to data.


add_intercept_column(data, name = "(Intercept)", ..., call = current_env())



A data frame or matrix.


The name for the intercept column. Defaults to "(Intercept)", which is the same name that stats::lm() uses.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


If a column named name already exists in data, then data is returned unchanged and a warning is issued.


data with an intercept column.



add_intercept_column(mtcars, "intercept")


Default formula blueprint


This pages holds the details for the formula preprocessing blueprint. This is the blueprint used by default from mold() if x is a formula.


  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  indicators = "traditional",
  composition = "tibble"

## S3 method for class 'formula'
mold(formula, data, ..., blueprint = NULL)



A logical. Should an intercept be included in the processed data? This information is used by the process function in the mold and forge function list.


A logical. Should novel factor levels be allowed at prediction time? This information is used by the clean function in the forge function list, and is passed on to scream().


A single character string. Control how factors are expanded into dummy variable indicator columns. One of:

  • "traditional" - The default. Create dummy variables using the traditional model.matrix() infrastructure. Generally this creates K - 1 indicator columns for each factor, where K is the number of levels in that factor.

  • "none" - Leave factor variables alone. No expansion is done.

  • "one_hot" - Create dummy variables using a one-hot encoding approach that expands unordered factors into all K indicator columns, rather than K - 1.


Either "tibble", "matrix", or "dgCMatrix" for the format of the processed predictors. If "matrix" or "dgCMatrix" are chosen, all of the predictors must be numeric after the preprocessing method has been applied; otherwise an error is thrown.


A formula specifying the predictors and the outcomes.


A data frame or matrix containing the outcomes and predictors.


Not used.


A preprocessing blueprint. If left as NULL, then a default_formula_blueprint() is used.


While not different from base R, the behavior of expanding factors into dummy variables when indicators = "traditional" and an intercept is not present is not always intuitive and should be documented.

  • When an intercept is present, factors are expanded into K-1 new columns, where K is the number of levels in the factor.

  • When an intercept is not present, the first factor is expanded into all K columns (one-hot encoding), and the remaining factors are expanded into K-1 columns. This behavior ensures that meaningful predictions can be made for the reference level of the first factor, but is not the exact "no intercept" model that was requested. Without this behavior, predictions for the reference level of the first factor would always be forced to 0 when there is no intercept.

Offsets can be included in the formula method through the use of the inline function stats::offset(). These are returned as a tibble with 1 column named ".offset" in the ⁠$extras$offset⁠ slot of the return value.


For default_formula_blueprint(), a formula blueprint.


When mold() is used with the default formula blueprint:

  • Predictors

    • The RHS of the formula is isolated, and converted to its own 1 sided formula: ~ RHS.

    • Runs stats::model.frame() on the RHS formula and uses data.

    • If indicators = "traditional", it then runs stats::model.matrix() on the result.

    • If indicators = "none", factors are removed before model.matrix() is run, and then added back afterwards. No interactions or inline functions involving factors are allowed.

    • If indicators = "one_hot", it then runs stats::model.matrix() on the result using a contrast function that creates indicator columns for all levels of all factors.

    • If any offsets are present from using offset(), then they are extracted with model_offset().

    • If intercept = TRUE, adds an intercept column.

    • Coerces the result of the above steps to a tibble.

  • Outcomes

    • The LHS of the formula is isolated, and converted to its own 1 sided formula: ~ LHS.

    • Runs stats::model.frame() on the LHS formula and uses data.

    • Coerces the result of the above steps to a tibble.


When forge() is used with the default formula blueprint:

  • It calls shrink() to trim new_data to only the required columns and coerce new_data to a tibble.

  • It calls scream() to perform validation on the structure of the columns of new_data.

  • Predictors

    • It runs stats::model.frame() on new_data using the stored terms object corresponding to the predictors.

    • If, in the original mold() call, indicators = "traditional" was set, it then runs stats::model.matrix() on the result.

    • If, in the original mold() call, indicators = "none" was set, it runs stats::model.matrix() on the result without the factor columns, and then adds them on afterwards.

    • If, in the original mold() call, indicators = "one_hot" was set, it runs stats::model.matrix() on the result with a contrast function that includes indicators for all levels of all factor columns.

    • If any offsets are present from using offset() in the original call to mold(), then they are extracted with model_offset().

    • If intercept = TRUE in the original call to mold(), then an intercept column is added.

    • It coerces the result of the above steps to a tibble.

  • Outcomes

    • It runs stats::model.frame() on new_data using the stored terms object corresponding to the outcomes.

    • Coerces the result to a tibble.

Differences From Base R

There are a number of differences from base R regarding how formulas are processed by mold() that require some explanation.

Multivariate outcomes can be specified on the LHS using syntax that is similar to the RHS (i.e. outcome_1 + outcome_2 ~ predictors). If any complex calculations are done on the LHS and they return matrices (like stats::poly()), then those matrices are flattened into multiple columns of the tibble after the call to model.frame(). While this is possible, it is not recommended, and if a large amount of preprocessing is required on the outcomes, then you are better off using a recipes::recipe().

Global variables are not allowed in the formula. An error will be thrown if they are included. All terms in the formula should come from data. If you need to use inline functions in the formula, the safest way to do so is to prefix them with their package name, like pkg::fn(). This ensures that the function will always be available at mold() (fit) and forge() (prediction) time. That said, if the package is attached (i.e. with library()), then you should be able to use the inline function without the prefix.

By default, intercepts are not included in the predictor output from the formula. To include an intercept, set blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(intercept = TRUE). The rationale for this is that many packages either always require or never allow an intercept (for example, the earth package), and they do a large amount of extra work to keep the user from supplying one or removing it. This interface standardizes all of that flexibility in one place.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Formula Example

# Call mold() with the training data
processed <- mold(
  log(num_1) ~ num_2 + fac_1,
  blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(intercept = TRUE)

# Then, call forge() with the blueprint and the test data
# to have it preprocess the test data in the same way
forge(example_test, processed$blueprint)

# Use `outcomes = TRUE` to also extract the preprocessed outcome
forge(example_test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Factors without an intercept

# No intercept is added by default
processed <- mold(num_1 ~ fac_1 + fac_2, example_train)

# So, for factor columns, the first factor is completely expanded into all
# `K` columns (the number of levels), and the subsequent factors are expanded
# into `K - 1` columns.

# In the above example, `fac_1` is expanded into all three columns,
# `fac_2` is not. This behavior comes from `model.matrix()`, and is somewhat
# known in the R community, but can lead to a model that is difficult to
# interpret since the corresponding p-values are testing wildly different
# hypotheses.

# To get all indicators for all columns (irrespective of the intercept),
# use the `indicators = "one_hot"` option
processed <- mold(
  num_1 ~ fac_1 + fac_2,
  blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(indicators = "one_hot")


# It is not possible to construct a no-intercept model that expands all
# factors into `K - 1` columns using the formula method. If required, a
# recipe could be used to construct this model.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Global variables

y <- rep(1, times = nrow(example_train))

# In base R, global variables are allowed in a model formula
frame <- model.frame(fac_1 ~ y + num_2, example_train)

# mold() does not allow them, and throws an error
try(mold(fac_1 ~ y + num_2, example_train))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dummy variables and interactions

# By default, factor columns are expanded
# and interactions are created, both by
# calling `model.matrix()`. Some models (like
# tree based models) can take factors directly
# but still might want to use the formula method.
# In those cases, set `indicators = "none"` to not
# run `model.matrix()` on factor columns. Interactions
# are still allowed and are run on numeric columns.

bp_no_indicators <- default_formula_blueprint(indicators = "none")

processed <- mold(
  ~ fac_1 + num_1:num_2,
  blueprint = bp_no_indicators


# An informative error is thrown when `indicators = "none"` and
# factors are present in interaction terms or in inline functions
try(mold(num_1 ~ num_2:fac_1, example_train, blueprint = bp_no_indicators))
try(mold(num_1 ~ paste0(fac_1), example_train, blueprint = bp_no_indicators))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Multivariate outcomes

# Multivariate formulas can be specified easily
processed <- mold(num_1 + log(num_2) ~ fac_1, example_train)

# Inline functions on the LHS are run, but any matrix
# output is flattened (like what happens in `model.matrix()`)
# (essentially this means you don't wind up with columns
# in the tibble that are matrices)
processed <- mold(poly(num_2, degree = 2) ~ fac_1, example_train)

ncol(processed$outcomes) == 2

# Multivariate formulas specified in mold()
# carry over into forge()
forge(example_test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Offsets

# Offsets are handled specially in base R, so they deserve special
# treatment here as well. You can add offsets using the inline function
# `offset()`
processed <- mold(num_1 ~ offset(num_2) + fac_1, example_train)


# Multiple offsets can be included, and they get added together
processed <- mold(
  num_1 ~ offset(num_2) + offset(num_3),

  example_train$num_2 + example_train$num_3

# Forging test data will also require
# and include the offset
forge(example_test, processed$blueprint)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Intercept only

# Because `1` and `0` are intercept modifying terms, they are
# not allowed in the formula and are instead controlled by the
# `intercept` argument of the blueprint. To use an intercept
# only formula, you should supply `NULL` on the RHS of the formula.
  blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(intercept = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Matrix output for predictors

# You can change the `composition` of the predictor data set
bp <- default_formula_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix")
processed <- mold(log(num_1) ~ num_2 + fac_1, example_train, blueprint = bp)

Default recipe blueprint


This pages holds the details for the recipe preprocessing blueprint. This is the blueprint used by default from mold() if x is a recipe.


  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  fresh = TRUE,
  strings_as_factors = TRUE,
  composition = "tibble"

## S3 method for class 'recipe'
mold(x, data, ..., blueprint = NULL)



A logical. Should an intercept be included in the processed data? This information is used by the process function in the mold and forge function list.


A logical. Should novel factor levels be allowed at prediction time? This information is used by the clean function in the forge function list, and is passed on to scream().


Should already trained operations be re-trained when prep() is called?


Should character columns be converted to factors when prep() is called?


Either "tibble", "matrix", or "dgCMatrix" for the format of the processed predictors. If "matrix" or "dgCMatrix" are chosen, all of the predictors must be numeric after the preprocessing method has been applied; otherwise an error is thrown.


An unprepped recipe created from recipes::recipe().


A data frame or matrix containing the outcomes and predictors.


Not used.


A preprocessing blueprint. If left as NULL, then a default_recipe_blueprint() is used.


For default_recipe_blueprint(), a recipe blueprint.


When mold() is used with the default recipe blueprint:

  • It calls recipes::prep() to prep the recipe.

  • It calls recipes::juice() to extract the outcomes and predictors. These are returned as tibbles.

  • If intercept = TRUE, adds an intercept column to the predictors.


When forge() is used with the default recipe blueprint:

  • It calls shrink() to trim new_data to only the required columns and coerce new_data to a tibble.

  • It calls scream() to perform validation on the structure of the columns of new_data.

  • It calls recipes::bake() on the new_data using the prepped recipe used during training.

  • It adds an intercept column onto new_data if intercept = TRUE.


# example code


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup

train <- iris[1:100, ]
test <- iris[101:150, ]

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Recipes example

# Create a recipe that logs a predictor
rec <- recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width, train) %>%

processed <- mold(rec, train)

# Sepal.Length has been logged


# The underlying blueprint is a prepped recipe

# Call forge() with the blueprint and the test data
# to have it preprocess the test data in the same way
forge(test, processed$blueprint)

# Use `outcomes = TRUE` to also extract the preprocessed outcome!
# This logged the Sepal.Length column of `new_data`
forge(test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# With an intercept

# You can add an intercept with `intercept = TRUE`
processed <- mold(rec, train, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint(intercept = TRUE))


# But you also could have used a recipe step
rec2 <- step_intercept(rec)

mold(rec2, iris)$predictors

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Matrix output for predictors

# You can change the `composition` of the predictor data set
bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix")
processed <- mold(rec, train, blueprint = bp)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Non standard roles

# If you have custom recipes roles, they are assumed to be required at
# `bake()` time when passing in `new_data`. This is an assumption that both
# recipes and hardhat makes, meaning that those roles are required at
# `forge()` time as well.
rec_roles <- recipe(train) %>%
  update_role(Sepal.Width, new_role = "predictor") %>%
  update_role(Species, new_role = "outcome") %>%
  update_role(Sepal.Length, new_role = "id") %>%
  update_role(Petal.Length, new_role = "important")

processed_roles <- mold(rec_roles, train)

# The custom roles will be in the `mold()` result in case you need
# them for modeling.

# And they are in the `forge()` result
forge(test, processed_roles$blueprint)$extras

# If you remove a column with a custom role from the test data, then you
# won't be able to `forge()` even though this recipe technically didn't
# use that column in any steps
test2 <- test
test2$Petal.Length <- NULL
try(forge(test2, processed_roles$blueprint))

# Most of the time, if you find yourself in the above scenario, then we
# suggest that you remove `Petal.Length` from the data that is supplied to
# the recipe. If that isn't an option, you can declare that that column
# isn't required at `bake()` time by using `update_role_requirements()`
rec_roles <- update_role_requirements(rec_roles, "important", bake = FALSE)
processed_roles <- mold(rec_roles, train)
forge(test2, processed_roles$blueprint)

Default XY blueprint


This pages holds the details for the XY preprocessing blueprint. This is the blueprint used by default from mold() if x and y are provided separately (i.e. the XY interface is used).


  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  composition = "tibble"

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
mold(x, y, ..., blueprint = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'matrix'
mold(x, y, ..., blueprint = NULL)



A logical. Should an intercept be included in the processed data? This information is used by the process function in the mold and forge function list.


A logical. Should novel factor levels be allowed at prediction time? This information is used by the clean function in the forge function list, and is passed on to scream().


Either "tibble", "matrix", or "dgCMatrix" for the format of the processed predictors. If "matrix" or "dgCMatrix" are chosen, all of the predictors must be numeric after the preprocessing method has been applied; otherwise an error is thrown.


A data frame or matrix containing the predictors.


A data frame, matrix, or vector containing the outcomes.


Not used.


A preprocessing blueprint. If left as NULL, then a default_xy_blueprint() is used.


As documented in standardize(), if y is a vector, then the returned outcomes tibble has 1 column with a standardized name of ".outcome".

The one special thing about the XY method's forge function is the behavior of outcomes = TRUE when a vector y value was provided to the original call to mold(). In that case, mold() converts y into a tibble, with a default name of .outcome. This is the column that forge() will look for in new_data to preprocess. See the examples section for a demonstration of this.


For default_xy_blueprint(), an XY blueprint.


When mold() is used with the default xy blueprint:

  • It converts x to a tibble.

  • It adds an intercept column to x if intercept = TRUE.

  • It runs standardize() on y.


When forge() is used with the default xy blueprint:

  • It calls shrink() to trim new_data to only the required columns and coerce new_data to a tibble.

  • It calls scream() to perform validation on the structure of the columns of new_data.

  • It adds an intercept column onto new_data if intercept = TRUE.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup

train <- iris[1:100, ]
test <- iris[101:150, ]

train_x <- train["Sepal.Length"]
train_y <- train["Species"]

test_x <- test["Sepal.Length"]
test_y <- test["Species"]

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# XY Example

# First, call mold() with the training data
processed <- mold(train_x, train_y)

# Then, call forge() with the blueprint and the test data
# to have it preprocess the test data in the same way
forge(test_x, processed$blueprint)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Intercept

processed <- mold(train_x, train_y, blueprint = default_xy_blueprint(intercept = TRUE))

forge(test_x, processed$blueprint)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# XY Method and forge(outcomes = TRUE)

# You can request that the new outcome columns are preprocessed as well, but
# they have to be present in `new_data`!

processed <- mold(train_x, train_y)

# Can't do this!
try(forge(test_x, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE))

# Need to use the full test set, including `y`
forge(test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)

# With the XY method, if the Y value used in `mold()` is a vector,
# then a column name of `.outcome` is automatically generated.
# This name is what forge() looks for in `new_data`.

# Y is a vector!
y_vec <- train_y$Species

processed_vec <- mold(train_x, y_vec)

# This throws an informative error that tell you
# to include an `".outcome"` column in `new_data`.
try(forge(iris, processed_vec$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE))

test2 <- test
test2$.outcome <- test2$Species
test2$Species <- NULL

# This works, and returns a tibble in the $outcomes slot
forge(test2, processed_vec$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Matrix output for predictors

# You can change the `composition` of the predictor data set
bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix")
processed <- mold(train_x, train_y, blueprint = bp)

Delete the response from a terms object


delete_response() is exactly the same as delete.response(), except that it fixes a long standing bug by also removing the part of the "dataClasses" attribute corresponding to the response, if it exists.





A terms object.


The bug is described here:


terms with the response sections removed.


framed <- model_frame(Species ~ Sepal.Width, iris)

attr(delete.response(framed$terms), "dataClasses")

attr(delete_response(framed$terms), "dataClasses")

Encode a factor as a one-hot indicator matrix


fct_encode_one_hot() encodes a factor as a one-hot indicator matrix.

This matrix consists of length(x) rows and length(levels(x)) columns. Every value in row i of the matrix is filled with 0L except for the column that has the same name as x[[i]], which is instead filled with 1L.





A factor.

x can't contain missing values.

x is allowed to be an ordered factor.


The columns are returned in the same order as levels(x).

If x has names, the names are propagated onto the result as the row names.


An integer matrix with length(x) rows and length(levels(x)) columns.



fct_encode_one_hot(factor(letters[1:2], levels = letters))

fct_encode_one_hot(factor(sample(letters[1:4], 10, TRUE)))

Forge prediction-ready data


forge() applies the transformations requested by the specific blueprint on a set of new_data. This new_data contains new predictors (and potentially outcomes) that will be used to generate predictions.

All blueprints have consistent return values with the others, but each is unique enough to have its own help page. Click through below to learn how to use each one in conjunction with forge().


forge(new_data, blueprint, ..., outcomes = FALSE)



A data frame or matrix of predictors to process. If outcomes = TRUE, this should also contain the outcomes to process.


A preprocessing blueprint.


Not used.


A logical. Should the outcomes be processed and returned as well?


If the outcomes are present in new_data, they can optionally be processed and returned in the outcomes slot of the returned list by setting outcomes = TRUE. This is very useful when doing cross validation where you need to preprocess the outcomes of a test set before computing performance.


A named list with 3 elements:

  • predictors: A tibble containing the preprocessed new_data predictors.

  • outcomes: If outcomes = TRUE, a tibble containing the preprocessed outcomes found in new_data. Otherwise, NULL.

  • extras: Either NULL if the blueprint returns no extra information, or a named list containing the extra information.


# See the blueprint specific documentation linked above
# for various ways to call forge with different
# blueprints.

train <- iris[1:100, ]
test <- iris[101:150, ]

# Formula
processed <- mold(
  log(Sepal.Width) ~ Species,
  blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(indicators = "none")

forge(test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)

Frequency weights



frequency_weights() creates a vector of frequency weights which allow you to compactly repeat an observation a set number of times. Frequency weights are supplied as a non-negative integer vector, where only whole numbers are allowed.





An integer vector.


Frequency weights are integers that denote how many times a particular row of the data has been observed. They help compress redundant rows into a single entry.

In tidymodels, frequency weights are used for all parts of the preprocessing, model fitting, and performance estimation operations.


A new frequency weights vector.

See Also



# Record that the first observation has 10 replicates, the second has 12
# replicates, and so on
frequency_weights(c(10, 12, 2, 1))

# Fractional values are not allowed
try(frequency_weights(c(1.5, 2.3, 10)))

Extract data classes from a data frame or matrix


When predicting from a model, it is often important for the new_data to have the same classes as the original data used to fit the model. get_data_classes() extracts the classes from the original training data.


get_data_classes(data, ..., call = current_env())



A data frame or matrix.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


A named list. The names are the column names of data and the values are character vectors containing the class of that column.




# Unlike .MFclass(), the full class
# vector is returned
data <- data.frame(col = ordered(c("a", "b")))



Extract factor levels from a data frame


get_levels() extracts the levels from any factor columns in data. It is mainly useful for extracting the original factor levels from the predictors in the training set. get_outcome_levels() is a small wrapper around get_levels() for extracting levels from a factor outcome that first calls standardize() on y.






A data.frame to extract levels from.


The outcome. This can be:

  • A factor vector

  • A numeric vector

  • A 1D numeric array

  • A numeric matrix with column names

  • A 2D numeric array with column names

  • A data frame with numeric or factor columns


A named list with as many elements as there are factor columns in data or y. The names are the names of the factor columns, and the values are character vectors of the levels.

If there are no factor columns, NULL is returned.

See Also



# Factor columns are returned with their levels

# No factor columns

# standardize() is first run on `y`
# which converts the input to a data frame
# with an automatically named column, `".outcome"`
get_outcome_levels(y = factor(letters[1:5]))

Example data for hardhat


Example data for hardhat


Data objects for a training and test set with the same variables: three numeric and two factor columns.


example_train, example_test




Generics for object extraction


These generics are used to extract elements from various model objects. Methods are defined in other packages, such as tune, workflows, and workflowsets, but the returned object is always the same.

  • extract_fit_engine() returns the engine specific fit embedded within a parsnip model fit. For example, when using parsnip::linear_reg() with the "lm" engine, this returns the underlying lm object.

  • extract_fit_parsnip() returns a parsnip model fit.

  • extract_mold() returns the preprocessed "mold" object returned from mold(). It contains information about the preprocessing, including either the prepped recipe, the formula terms object, or variable selectors.

  • extract_spec_parsnip() returns a parsnip model specification.

  • extract_preprocessor() returns the formula, recipe, or variable expressions used for preprocessing.

  • extract_recipe() returns a recipe, possibly estimated.

  • extract_workflow() returns a workflow, possibly fit.

  • extract_parameter_dials() returns a single dials parameter object.

  • extract_parameter_set_dials() returns a set of dials parameter objects.

  • extract_fit_time() returns a tibble with fit times.


extract_workflow(x, ...)

extract_recipe(x, ...)

extract_spec_parsnip(x, ...)

extract_fit_parsnip(x, ...)

extract_fit_engine(x, ...)

extract_mold(x, ...)

extract_preprocessor(x, ...)

extract_postprocessor(x, ...)

extract_parameter_dials(x, ...)

extract_parameter_set_dials(x, ...)

extract_fit_time(x, ...)



An object.


Extra arguments passed on to methods.


# See packages where methods are defined for examples, such as `parsnip` or
# `workflows`.

Importance weights



importance_weights() creates a vector of importance weights which allow you to apply a context dependent weight to your observations. Importance weights are supplied as a non-negative double vector, where fractional values are allowed.





A double vector.


Importance weights focus on how much each row of the data set should influence model estimation. These can be based on data or arbitrarily set to achieve some goal.

In tidymodels, importance weights only affect the model estimation and supervised recipes steps. They are not used with yardstick functions for calculating measures of model performance.


A new importance weights vector.

See Also



importance_weights(c(1.5, 2.3, 10))

Is x a preprocessing blueprint?


is_blueprint() checks if x inherits from "hardhat_blueprint".





An object.



Is x a case weights vector?



is_case_weights() checks if x inherits from "hardhat_case_weights".





An object.


A single TRUE or FALSE.



Is x a frequency weights vector?



is_frequency_weights() checks if x inherits from "hardhat_frequency_weights".





An object.


A single TRUE or FALSE.



Is x an importance weights vector?



is_importance_weights() checks if x inherits from "hardhat_importance_weights".





An object.


A single TRUE or FALSE.



Construct a model frame


model_frame() is a stricter version of stats::model.frame(). There are a number of differences, with the main being that rows are never dropped and the return value is a list with the frame and terms separated into two distinct objects.


model_frame(formula, data, ..., call = current_env())



A formula or terms object representing the terms of the model frame.


A data frame or matrix containing the terms of formula.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


The following explains the rationale for some of the difference in arguments compared to stats::model.frame():

  • subset: Not allowed because the number of rows before and after model_frame() has been run should always be the same.

  • na.action: Not allowed and is forced to "na.pass" because the number of rows before and after model_frame() has been run should always be the same.

  • drop.unused.levels: Not allowed because it seems inconsistent for data and the result of model_frame() to ever have the same factor column but with different levels, unless specified though original_levels. If this is required, it should be done through a recipe step explicitly.

  • xlev: Not allowed because this check should have been done ahead of time. Use scream() to check the integrity of data against a training set if that is required.

  • ...: Not exposed because offsets are handled separately, and it is not necessary to pass weights here any more because rows are never dropped (so weights don't have to be subset alongside the rest of the design matrix). If other non-predictor columns are required, use the "roles" features of recipes.

It is important to always use the results of model_frame() with model_matrix() rather than stats::model.matrix() because the tibble in the result of model_frame() does not have a terms object attached. If ⁠model.matrix(<terms>, <tibble>)⁠ is called directly, then a call to model.frame() will be made automatically, which can give faulty results.


A named list with two elements:

  • "data": A tibble containing the model frame.

  • "terms": A terms object containing the terms for the model frame.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example usage

framed <- model_frame(Species ~ Sepal.Width, iris)



# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Missing values never result in dropped rows

iris2 <- iris
iris2$Sepal.Width[1] <- NA

framed2 <- model_frame(Species ~ Sepal.Width, iris2)


nrow(framed2$data) == nrow(iris2)

Construct a design matrix


model_matrix() is a stricter version of stats::model.matrix(). Notably, model_matrix() will never drop rows, and the result will be a tibble.


model_matrix(terms, data, ..., call = current_env())



A terms object to construct a model matrix with. This is typically the terms object returned from the corresponding call to model_frame().


A tibble to construct the design matrix with. This is typically the tibble returned from the corresponding call to model_frame().


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


The following explains the rationale for some of the difference in arguments compared to stats::model.matrix():

  • contrasts.arg: Set the contrasts argument, options("contrasts") globally, or assign a contrast to the factor of interest directly using stats::contrasts(). See the examples section.

  • xlev: Not allowed because model.frame() is never called, so it is unnecessary.

  • ...: Not allowed because the default method of model.matrix() does not use it, and the lm method uses it to pass potential offsets and weights through, which are handled differently in hardhat.


A tibble containing the design matrix.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example usage

framed <- model_frame(Sepal.Width ~ Species, iris)

model_matrix(framed$terms, framed$data)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Missing values never result in dropped rows

iris2 <- iris
iris2$Species[1] <- NA

framed2 <- model_frame(Sepal.Width ~ Species, iris2)

model_matrix(framed2$terms, framed2$data)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Contrasts

# Default contrasts
y <- factor(c("a", "b"))
x <- data.frame(y = y)
framed <- model_frame(~y, x)

# Setting contrasts directly
y_with_contrast <- y
contrasts(y_with_contrast) <- contr.sum(2)
x2 <- data.frame(y = y_with_contrast)
framed2 <- model_frame(~y, x2)

# Compare!
model_matrix(framed$terms, framed$data)
model_matrix(framed2$terms, framed2$data)

# Also, can set the contrasts globally
global_override <- c(unordered = "contr.sum", ordered = "contr.poly")

  .expr = {
    model_matrix(framed$terms, framed$data)
  contrasts = global_override

Extract a model offset


model_offset() extracts a numeric offset from a model frame. It is inspired by stats::model.offset(), but has nicer error messages and is slightly stricter.


model_offset(terms, data, ..., call = caller_env())



A "terms" object corresponding to data, returned from a call to model_frame().


A data frame returned from a call to model_frame().


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


If a column that has been tagged as an offset is not numeric, a nice error message is thrown telling you exactly which column was problematic.

stats::model.offset() also allows for a column named "(offset)" to be considered an offset along with any others that have been tagged by stats::offset(). However, stats::model.matrix() does not recognize these columns as offsets (so it doesn't remove them as it should). Because of this inconsistency, columns named "(offset)" are not treated specially by model_offset().


A numeric vector representing the offset.


x <- model.frame(Species ~ offset(Sepal.Width), iris)

model_offset(terms(x), x)

xx <- model.frame(Species ~ offset(Sepal.Width) + offset(Sepal.Length), iris)

model_offset(terms(xx), xx)

# Problematic columns are caught with intuitive errors
  expr = {
    x <- model.frame(~ offset(Species), iris)
    model_offset(terms(x), x)
  error = function(e) {

Create a modeling package


create_modeling_package() will:

  • Call usethis::create_package() to set up a new R package.

  • Call use_modeling_deps().

  • Call use_modeling_files().

use_modeling_deps() will:

  • Add hardhat, rlang, and stats to Imports

  • Add recipes to Suggests

  • If roxygen2 is available, use roxygen markdown

use_modeling_files() will:

  • Add a package documentation file

  • Generate and populate 3 files in ⁠R/⁠:

    • {{model}}-constructor.R

    • {{model}}-fit.R

    • {{model}}-predict.R


create_modeling_package(path, model, fields = NULL, open = interactive())





A path. If it exists, it is used. If it does not exist, it is created, provided that the parent path exists.


A string. The name of the high level modeling function that users will call. For example, "linear_regression". This will be used to populate the skeleton. Spaces are not allowed.


A named list of fields to add to DESCRIPTION, potentially overriding default values. See usethis::use_description() for how you can set personalized defaults using package options.


If TRUE, activates the new project:

  • If RStudio desktop, the package is opened in a new session.

  • If on RStudio server, the current RStudio project is activated.

  • Otherwise, the working directory and active project is changed.


create_modeling_package() returns the project path invisibly.

use_modeling_deps() returns invisibly.

use_modeling_files() return model invisibly.

Mold data for modeling


mold() applies the appropriate processing steps required to get training data ready to be fed into a model. It does this through the use of various blueprints that understand how to preprocess data that come in various forms, such as a formula or a recipe.

All blueprints have consistent return values with the others, but each is unique enough to have its own help page. Click through below to learn how to use each one in conjunction with mold().


mold(x, ...)



An object. See the method specific implementations linked in the Description for more information.


Not used.


A named list containing 4 elements:

  • predictors: A tibble containing the molded predictors to be used in the model.

  • outcomes: A tibble containing the molded outcomes to be used in the model.

  • blueprint: A method specific "hardhat_blueprint" object for use when making predictions.

  • extras: Either NULL if the blueprint returns no extra information, or a named list containing the extra information.


# See the method specific documentation linked in Description
# for the details of each blueprint, and more examples.

# XY
mold(iris["Sepal.Width"], iris$Species)

# Formula
mold(Species ~ Sepal.Width, iris)

# Recipe
mold(recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Width, iris), iris)

Extend case weights



new_case_weights() is a developer oriented function for constructing a new case weights type. The ⁠<case_weights>⁠ type itself is an abstract type with very little functionality. Because of this, class is a required argument.


new_case_weights(x, ..., class)



An integer or double vector.


Name-value pairs defining attributes


Name of subclass.


A new subclassed case weights vector.


new_case_weights(1:5, class = "my_weights")

Create a new default blueprint


This page contains the constructors for the default blueprints. They can be extended if you want to add extra behavior on top of what the default blueprints already do, but generally you will extend the non-default versions of the constructors found in the documentation for new_blueprint().


  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  ptypes = NULL,
  formula = NULL,
  indicators = "traditional",
  composition = "tibble",
  terms = list(predictors = NULL, outcomes = NULL),
  levels = NULL,
  subclass = character()

  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  fresh = TRUE,
  strings_as_factors = TRUE,
  composition = "tibble",
  ptypes = NULL,
  recipe = NULL,
  extra_role_ptypes = NULL,
  subclass = character()

  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  composition = "tibble",
  ptypes = NULL,
  subclass = character()



A logical. Should an intercept be included in the processed data? This information is used by the process function in the mold and forge function list.


A logical. Should novel factor levels be allowed at prediction time? This information is used by the clean function in the forge function list, and is passed on to scream().


Either NULL, or a named list with 2 elements, predictors and outcomes, both of which are 0-row tibbles. ptypes is generated automatically at mold() time and is used to validate new_data at prediction time.


Either NULL, or a formula that specifies how the predictors and outcomes should be preprocessed. This argument is set automatically at mold() time.


A single character string. Control how factors are expanded into dummy variable indicator columns. One of:

  • "traditional" - The default. Create dummy variables using the traditional model.matrix() infrastructure. Generally this creates K - 1 indicator columns for each factor, where K is the number of levels in that factor.

  • "none" - Leave factor variables alone. No expansion is done.

  • "one_hot" - Create dummy variables using a one-hot encoding approach that expands unordered factors into all K indicator columns, rather than K - 1.


Either "tibble", "matrix", or "dgCMatrix" for the format of the processed predictors. If "matrix" or "dgCMatrix" are chosen, all of the predictors must be numeric after the preprocessing method has been applied; otherwise an error is thrown.


A named list of two elements, predictors and outcomes. Both elements are terms objects that describe the terms for the outcomes and predictors separately. This argument is set automatically at mold() time.


Either NULL or a named list of character vectors that correspond to the levels observed when converting character predictor columns to factors during mold(). This argument is set automatically at mold() time.


Name-value pairs for additional elements of blueprints that subclass this blueprint.


A character vector. The subclasses of this blueprint.


Should already trained operations be re-trained when prep() is called?


Should character columns be converted to factors when prep() is called?


Either NULL, or an unprepped recipe. This argument is set automatically at mold() time.


A named list. The names are the unique non-standard recipe roles (i.e. everything except "predictors" and "outcomes"). The values are prototypes of the original columns with that role. These are used for validation in forge().

Create a new preprocessing blueprint


These are the base classes for creating new preprocessing blueprints. All blueprints inherit from the one created by new_blueprint(), and the default method specific blueprints inherit from the other three here.

If you want to create your own processing blueprint for a specific method, generally you will subclass one of the method specific blueprints here. If you want to create a completely new preprocessing blueprint for a totally new preprocessing method (i.e. not the formula, xy, or recipe method) then you should subclass new_blueprint().

In addition to creating a blueprint subclass, you will likely also need to provide S3 methods for run_mold() and run_forge() for your subclass.


  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  ptypes = NULL,
  formula = NULL,
  indicators = "traditional",
  composition = "tibble",
  subclass = character()

  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  fresh = TRUE,
  strings_as_factors = TRUE,
  composition = "tibble",
  ptypes = NULL,
  recipe = NULL,
  subclass = character()

  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  composition = "tibble",
  ptypes = NULL,
  subclass = character()

  intercept = FALSE,
  allow_novel_levels = FALSE,
  composition = "tibble",
  ptypes = NULL,
  subclass = character()



A logical. Should an intercept be included in the processed data? This information is used by the process function in the mold and forge function list.


A logical. Should novel factor levels be allowed at prediction time? This information is used by the clean function in the forge function list, and is passed on to scream().


Either NULL, or a named list with 2 elements, predictors and outcomes, both of which are 0-row tibbles. ptypes is generated automatically at mold() time and is used to validate new_data at prediction time.


Either NULL, or a formula that specifies how the predictors and outcomes should be preprocessed. This argument is set automatically at mold() time.


A single character string. Control how factors are expanded into dummy variable indicator columns. One of:

  • "traditional" - The default. Create dummy variables using the traditional model.matrix() infrastructure. Generally this creates K - 1 indicator columns for each factor, where K is the number of levels in that factor.

  • "none" - Leave factor variables alone. No expansion is done.

  • "one_hot" - Create dummy variables using a one-hot encoding approach that expands unordered factors into all K indicator columns, rather than K - 1.


Either "tibble", "matrix", or "dgCMatrix" for the format of the processed predictors. If "matrix" or "dgCMatrix" are chosen, all of the predictors must be numeric after the preprocessing method has been applied; otherwise an error is thrown.


Name-value pairs for additional elements of blueprints that subclass this blueprint.


A character vector. The subclasses of this blueprint.


Should already trained operations be re-trained when prep() is called?


Should character columns be converted to factors when prep() is called?


Either NULL, or an unprepped recipe. This argument is set automatically at mold() time.


A preprocessing blueprint, which is a list containing the inputs used as arguments to the function, along with a class specific to the type of blueprint being created.

Construct a frequency weights vector



new_frequency_weights() is a developer oriented function for constructing a new frequency weights vector. Generally, you should use frequency_weights() instead.


new_frequency_weights(x = integer(), ..., class = character())



An integer vector.


Name-value pairs defining attributes


Name of subclass.


A new frequency weights vector.



Construct an importance weights vector



new_importance_weights() is a developer oriented function for constructing a new importance weights vector. Generally, you should use importance_weights() instead.


new_importance_weights(x = double(), ..., class = character())



A double vector.


Name-value pairs defining attributes


Name of subclass.


A new importance weights vector.


new_importance_weights(c(1.5, 2.3, 10))

Constructor for a base model


A model is a scalar object, as classified in Advanced R. As such, it takes uniquely named elements in ... and combines them into a list with a class of class. This entire object represent a single model.


new_model(..., blueprint = default_xy_blueprint(), class = character())



Name-value pairs for elements specific to the model defined by class.


A preprocessing blueprint returned from a call to mold().


A character vector representing the class of the model.


Because every model should have multiple interfaces, including formula and recipes interfaces, all models should have a blueprint that can process new data when predict() is called. The easiest way to generate an blueprint with all of the information required at prediction time is to use the one that is returned from a call to mold().


A new scalar model object, represented as a classed list with named elements specified in ....


  custom_element = "my-elem",
  blueprint = default_xy_blueprint(),
  class = "custom_model"

Create a vector containing sets of quantiles


quantile_pred() is a special vector class used to efficiently store predictions from a quantile regression model. It requires the same quantile levels for each row being predicted.


quantile_pred(values, quantile_levels = double())


## S3 method for class 'quantile_pred'
as_tibble(x, ..., .rows = NULL, .name_repair = "minimal", rownames = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'quantile_pred'
as.matrix(x, ...)



A matrix of values. Each column should correspond to one of the quantile levels.


A vector of probabilities corresponding to values.


An object produced by quantile_pred().


Not currently used.

.rows, .name_repair, rownames

Arguments not used but required by the original S3 method.


  • quantile_pred() returns a vector of values associated with the quantile levels.

  • extract_quantile_levels() returns a numeric vector of levels.

  • as_tibble() returns a tibble with rows ".pred_quantile", ".quantile_levels", and ".row".

  • as.matrix() returns an unnamed matrix with rows as samples, columns as quantile levels, and entries are predictions.


.pred_quantile <- quantile_pred(matrix(rnorm(20), 5), c(.2, .4, .6, .8))


# Access the underlying information

# Matrix format

# Tidy format

Refresh a preprocessing blueprint


refresh_blueprint() is a developer facing generic function that is called at the end of update_blueprint(). It simply is a wrapper around the method specific ⁠new_*_blueprint()⁠ function that runs the updated blueprint through the constructor again to ensure that all of the elements of the blueprint are still valid after the update.





A preprocessing blueprint.


If you implement your own custom blueprint, you should export a refresh_blueprint() method that just calls the constructor for your blueprint and passes through all of the elements of the blueprint to the constructor.


blueprint is returned after a call to the corresponding constructor.


blueprint <- default_xy_blueprint()

# This should never be done manually, but is essentially
# what `update_blueprint(blueprint, intercept = TRUE)` does for you
blueprint$intercept <- TRUE

# Then update_blueprint() will call refresh_blueprint()
# to ensure that the structure is correct

# So you can't do something like...
blueprint_bad <- blueprint
blueprint_bad$intercept <- 1

# ...because the constructor will catch it

# And update_blueprint() catches this automatically
try(update_blueprint(blueprint, intercept = 1))

forge() according to a blueprint


This is a developer facing function that is only used if you are creating your own blueprint subclass. It is called from forge() and dispatches off the S3 class of the blueprint. This gives you an opportunity to forge the new data in a way that is specific to your blueprint.

run_forge() is always called from forge() with the same arguments, unlike run_mold(), because there aren't different interfaces for calling forge(). run_forge() is always called as:

run_forge(blueprint, new_data = new_data, outcomes = outcomes)

If you write a blueprint subclass for new_xy_blueprint(), new_recipe_blueprint(), new_formula_blueprint(), or new_blueprint(), then your run_forge() method signature must match this.


run_forge(blueprint, new_data, ..., outcomes = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'default_formula_blueprint'
run_forge(blueprint, new_data, ..., outcomes = FALSE, call = caller_env())

## S3 method for class 'default_recipe_blueprint'
run_forge(blueprint, new_data, ..., outcomes = FALSE, call = caller_env())

## S3 method for class 'default_xy_blueprint'
run_forge(blueprint, new_data, ..., outcomes = FALSE, call = caller_env())



A preprocessing blueprint.


A data frame or matrix of predictors to process. If outcomes = TRUE, this should also contain the outcomes to process.


Not used.


A logical. Should the outcomes be processed and returned as well?


The call used for errors and warnings.


run_forge() methods return the object that is then immediately returned from forge(). See the return value section of forge() to understand what the structure of the return value should look like.


bp <- default_xy_blueprint()

outcomes <- mtcars["mpg"]
predictors <- mtcars
predictors$mpg <- NULL

mold <- run_mold(bp, x = predictors, y = outcomes)

run_forge(mold$blueprint, new_data = predictors)

mold() according to a blueprint


This is a developer facing function that is only used if you are creating your own blueprint subclass. It is called from mold() and dispatches off the S3 class of the blueprint. This gives you an opportunity to mold the data in a way that is specific to your blueprint.

run_mold() will be called with different arguments depending on the interface to mold() that is used:

  • XY interface:

    • run_mold(blueprint, x = x, y = y)

  • Formula interface:

    • run_mold(blueprint, data = data)

    • Additionally, the blueprint will have been updated to contain the formula.

  • Recipe interface:

    • run_mold(blueprint, data = data)

    • Additionally, the blueprint will have been updated to contain the recipe.

If you write a blueprint subclass for new_xy_blueprint(), new_recipe_blueprint(), or new_formula_blueprint() then your run_mold() method signature must match whichever interface listed above will be used.

If you write a completely new blueprint inheriting only from new_blueprint() and write a new mold() method (because you aren't using an xy, formula, or recipe interface), then you will have full control over how run_mold() will be called.


run_mold(blueprint, ...)

## S3 method for class 'default_formula_blueprint'
run_mold(blueprint, ..., data, call = caller_env())

## S3 method for class 'default_recipe_blueprint'
run_mold(blueprint, ..., data, call = caller_env())

## S3 method for class 'default_xy_blueprint'
run_mold(blueprint, ..., x, y, call = caller_env())



A preprocessing blueprint.


Not used. Required for extensibility.


A data frame or matrix containing the outcomes and predictors.


The call used for errors and warnings.


A data frame or matrix containing the predictors.


A data frame, matrix, or vector containing the outcomes.


run_mold() methods return the object that is then immediately returned from mold(). See the return value section of mold() to understand what the structure of the return value should look like.


bp <- default_xy_blueprint()

outcomes <- mtcars["mpg"]
predictors <- mtcars
predictors$mpg <- NULL

run_mold(bp, x = predictors, y = outcomes)



scream() ensures that the structure of data is the same as prototype, ptype. Under the hood, vctrs::vec_cast() is used, which casts each column of data to the same type as the corresponding column in ptype.

This casting enforces a number of important structural checks, including but not limited to:

  • Data Classes - Checks that the class of each column in data is the same as the corresponding column in ptype.

  • Novel Levels - Checks that the factor columns in data don't have any new levels when compared with the ptype columns. If there are new levels, a warning is issued and they are coerced to NA. This check is optional, and can be turned off with allow_novel_levels = TRUE.

  • Level Recovery - Checks that the factor columns in data aren't missing any factor levels when compared with the ptype columns. If there are missing levels, then they are restored.


scream(data, ptype, allow_novel_levels = FALSE, ..., call = current_env())



A data frame containing the new data to check the structure of.


A data frame prototype to cast data to. This is commonly a 0-row slice of the training set.


Should novel factor levels in data be allowed? The safest approach is the default, which throws a warning when novel levels are found, and coerces them to NA values. Setting this argument to TRUE will ignore all novel levels. This argument does not apply to ordered factors. Novel levels are not allowed in ordered factors because the level ordering is a critical part of the type.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


scream() is called by forge() after shrink() but before the actual processing is done. Generally, you don't need to call scream() directly, as forge() will do it for you.

If scream() is used as a standalone function, it is good practice to call shrink() right before it as there are no checks in scream() that ensure that all of the required column names actually exist in data. Those checks exist in shrink().


A tibble containing the required columns after any required structural modifications have been made.

Factor Levels

scream() tries to be helpful by recovering missing factor levels and warning about novel levels. The following graphic outlines how scream() handles factor levels when coercing from a column in data to a column in ptype.


Note that ordered factor handing is much stricter than factor handling. Ordered factors in data must have exactly the same levels as ordered factors in ptype.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup

train <- iris[1:100, ]
test <- iris[101:150, ]

# mold() is run at model fit time
# and a formula preprocessing blueprint is recorded
x <- mold(log(Sepal.Width) ~ Species, train)

# Inside the result of mold() are the prototype tibbles
# for the predictors and the outcomes
ptype_pred <- x$blueprint$ptypes$predictors
ptype_out <- x$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# shrink() / scream()

# Pass the test data, along with a prototype, to
# shrink() to extract the prototype columns
test_shrunk <- shrink(test, ptype_pred)

# Now pass that to scream() to perform validation checks
# If no warnings / errors are thrown, the checks were
# successful!
scream(test_shrunk, ptype_pred)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Outcomes

# To also extract the outcomes, use the outcome prototype
test_outcome <- shrink(test, ptype_out)
scream(test_outcome, ptype_out)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Casting

# scream() uses vctrs::vec_cast() to intelligently convert
# new data to the prototype automatically. This means
# it can automatically perform certain conversions, like
# coercing character columns to factors.
test2 <- test
test2$Species <- as.character(test2$Species)

test2_shrunk <- shrink(test2, ptype_pred)
scream(test2_shrunk, ptype_pred)

# It can also recover missing factor levels.
# For example, it is plausible that the test data only had the
# "virginica" level
test3 <- test
test3$Species <- factor(test3$Species, levels = "virginica")

test3_shrunk <- shrink(test3, ptype_pred)
test3_fixed <- scream(test3_shrunk, ptype_pred)

# scream() recovered the missing levels

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Novel levels

# When novel levels with any data are present in `data`, the default
# is to coerce them to `NA` values with a warning.
test4 <- test
test4$Species <- as.character(test4$Species)
test4$Species[1] <- "new_level"

test4$Species <- factor(
  levels = c(levels(test$Species), "new_level")

test4 <- shrink(test4, ptype_pred)

# Warning is thrown
test4_removed <- scream(test4, ptype_pred)

# Novel level is removed

# No warning is thrown
test4_kept <- scream(test4, ptype_pred, allow_novel_levels = TRUE)

# Novel level is kept

Subset only required columns


shrink() subsets data to only contain the required columns specified by the prototype, ptype.


shrink(data, ptype, ..., call = current_env())



A data frame containing the data to subset.


A data frame prototype containing the required columns.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


shrink() is called by forge() before scream() and before the actual processing is done.


A tibble containing the required columns.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup

train <- iris[1:100, ]
test <- iris[101:150, ]

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# shrink()

# mold() is run at model fit time
# and a formula preprocessing blueprint is recorded
x <- mold(log(Sepal.Width) ~ Species, train)

# Inside the result of mold() are the prototype tibbles
# for the predictors and the outcomes
ptype_pred <- x$blueprint$ptypes$predictors
ptype_out <- x$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes

# Pass the test data, along with a prototype, to
# shrink() to extract the prototype columns
shrink(test, ptype_pred)

# To extract the outcomes, just use the
# outcome prototype
shrink(test, ptype_out)

# shrink() makes sure that the columns
# required by `ptype` actually exist in the data
# and errors nicely when they don't
test2 <- subset(test, select = -Species)
try(shrink(test2, ptype_pred))

Spruce up predictions


The family of ⁠spruce_*()⁠ functions convert predictions into a standardized format. They are generally called from a prediction implementation function for the specific type of prediction to return.




spruce_prob(pred_levels, prob_matrix)



(type = "numeric") A numeric vector of predictions.


(type = "class") A factor of "hard" class predictions.

pred_levels, prob_matrix

(type = "prob")

  • pred_levels should be a character vector of the original levels of the outcome used in training.

  • prob_matrix should be a numeric matrix of class probabilities with as many columns as levels in pred_levels, and in the same order.


After running a ⁠spruce_*()⁠ function, you should always use the validation function validate_prediction_size() to ensure that the number of rows being returned is the same as the number of rows in the input (new_data).


A tibble, ideally with the same number of rows as the new_data passed to predict(). The column names and number of columns vary based on the function used, but are standardized.

Spruce up multi-outcome predictions


This family of ⁠spruce_*_multiple()⁠ functions converts multi-outcome predictions into a standardized format. They are generally called from a prediction implementation function for the specific type of prediction to return.







Multiple vectors of predictions:

  • For spruce_numeric_multiple(), numeric vectors of equal size.

  • For spruce_class_multiple(), factors of "hard" class predictions of equal size.

  • For spruce_prob_multiple(), tibbles of equal size, which are the result of calling spruce_prob() on each matrix of prediction probabilities.

If the ... are named, then this name will be used as the suffix on the resulting column name, otherwise a positional index will be used.


  • For spruce_numeric_multiple(), a tibble of numeric columns named with the pattern ⁠.pred_*⁠.

  • For spruce_class_multiple(), a tibble of factor columns named with the pattern ⁠.pred_class_*⁠.

  • For spruce_prob_multiple(), a tibble of data frame columns named with the pattern ⁠.pred_*⁠.


spruce_numeric_multiple(1:3, foo = 2:4)

  one_step = factor(c("a", "b", "c")),
  two_step = factor(c("a", "c", "c"))

one_step <- matrix(c(.3, .7, .0, .1, .3, .6), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
two_step <- matrix(c(.2, .7, .1, .2, .4, .4), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
binary <- matrix(c(.5, .5, .4, .6), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  one_step = spruce_prob(c("a", "b", "c"), one_step),
  two_step = spruce_prob(c("a", "b", "c"), two_step),
  binary = spruce_prob(c("yes", "no"), binary)

Standardize the outcome


Most of the time, the input to a model should be flexible enough to capture a number of different input types from the user. standardize() focuses on capturing the flexibility in the outcome.





The outcome. This can be:

  • A factor vector

  • A numeric vector

  • A 1D numeric array

  • A numeric matrix with column names

  • A 2D numeric array with column names

  • A data frame with numeric or factor columns


standardize() is called from mold() when using an XY interface (i.e. a y argument was supplied).


All possible values of y are transformed into a tibble for standardization. Vectors are transformed into a tibble with a single column named ".outcome".




mat <- matrix(1:10, ncol = 2)
colnames(mat) <- c("a", "b")

df <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 6:10)

Mark arguments for tuning


tune() is an argument placeholder to be used with the recipes, parsnip, and tune packages. It marks recipes step and parsnip model arguments for tuning.


tune(id = "")



A single character value that can be used to differentiate parameters that are used in multiple places but have the same name, or if the user wants to add a note to the specified parameter.


A call object that echos the user's input.

See Also

tune::tune_grid(), tune::tune_bayes()


tune("your name here")

# In practice, `tune()` is used alongside recipes or parsnip to mark
# specific arguments for tuning

recipe(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars) %>%
  step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
  step_pca(all_numeric_predictors, num_comp = tune())

Update a preprocessing blueprint


update_blueprint() is the correct way to alter elements of an existing blueprint object. It has two benefits over just doing blueprint$elem <- new_elem.

  • The name you are updating must already exist in the blueprint. This prevents you from accidentally updating non-existent elements.

  • The constructor for the blueprint is automatically run after the update by refresh_blueprint() to ensure that the blueprint is still valid.


update_blueprint(blueprint, ...)



A preprocessing blueprint.


Name-value pairs of existing elements in blueprint that should be updated.


blueprint <- default_xy_blueprint()

# `intercept` defaults to FALSE

update_blueprint(blueprint, intercept = TRUE)

# Can't update non-existent elements
try(update_blueprint(blueprint, intercpt = TRUE))

# Can't add non-valid elements
try(update_blueprint(blueprint, intercept = 1))

Ensure that data contains required column names


validate - asserts the following:

  • The column names of data must contain all original_names.

check - returns the following:

  • ok A logical. Does the check pass?

  • missing_names A character vector. The missing column names.


validate_column_names(data, original_names, ..., call = current_env())

check_column_names(data, original_names)



A data frame to check.


A character vector. The original column names.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


A special error is thrown if the missing column is named ".outcome". This only happens in the case where mold() is called using the xy-method, and a vector y value is supplied rather than a data frame or matrix. In that case, y is coerced to a data frame, and the automatic name ".outcome" is added, and this is what is looked for in forge(). If this happens, and the user tries to request outcomes using forge(..., outcomes = TRUE) but the supplied new_data does not contain the required ".outcome" column, a special error is thrown telling them what to do. See the examples!


validate_column_names() returns data invisibly.

check_column_names() returns a named list of two components, ok, and missing_names.


hardhat provides validation functions at two levels.

  • ⁠check_*()⁠: check a condition, and return a list. The list always contains at least one element, ok, a logical that specifies if the check passed. Each check also has check specific elements in the returned list that can be used to construct meaningful error messages.

  • ⁠validate_*()⁠: check a condition, and error if it does not pass. These functions call their corresponding check function, and then provide a default error message. If you, as a developer, want a different error message, then call the ⁠check_*()⁠ function yourself, and provide your own validation function.

See Also

Other validation functions: validate_no_formula_duplication(), validate_outcomes_are_binary(), validate_outcomes_are_factors(), validate_outcomes_are_numeric(), validate_outcomes_are_univariate(), validate_prediction_size(), validate_predictors_are_numeric()


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

original_names <- colnames(mtcars)

test <- mtcars
bad_test <- test[, -c(3, 4)]

# All good
check_column_names(test, original_names)

# Missing 2 columns
check_column_names(bad_test, original_names)

# Will error
try(validate_column_names(bad_test, original_names))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special error when `.outcome` is missing

train <- iris[1:100, ]
test <- iris[101:150, ]

train_x <- subset(train, select = -Species)
train_y <- train$Species

# Here, y is a vector
processed <- mold(train_x, train_y)

# So the default column name is `".outcome"`

# It doesn't affect forge() normally
forge(test, processed$blueprint)

# But if the outcome is requested, and `".outcome"`
# is not present in `new_data`, an error is thrown
# with very specific instructions
try(forge(test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE))

# To get this to work, just create an .outcome column in new_data
test$.outcome <- test$Species

forge(test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)

Ensure no duplicate terms appear in formula


validate - asserts the following:

  • formula must not have duplicates terms on the left and right hand side of the formula.

check - returns the following:

  • ok A logical. Does the check pass?

  • duplicates A character vector. The duplicate terms.


validate_no_formula_duplication(formula, original = FALSE)

check_no_formula_duplication(formula, original = FALSE)



A formula to check.


A logical. Should the original names be checked, or should the names after processing be used? If FALSE, y ~ log(y) is allowed because the names are "y" and "log(y)", if TRUE, y ~ log(y) is not allowed because the original names are both "y".


validate_no_formula_duplication() returns formula invisibly.

check_no_formula_duplication() returns a named list of two components, ok and duplicates.


hardhat provides validation functions at two levels.

  • ⁠check_*()⁠: check a condition, and return a list. The list always contains at least one element, ok, a logical that specifies if the check passed. Each check also has check specific elements in the returned list that can be used to construct meaningful error messages.

  • ⁠validate_*()⁠: check a condition, and error if it does not pass. These functions call their corresponding check function, and then provide a default error message. If you, as a developer, want a different error message, then call the ⁠check_*()⁠ function yourself, and provide your own validation function.

See Also

Other validation functions: validate_column_names(), validate_outcomes_are_binary(), validate_outcomes_are_factors(), validate_outcomes_are_numeric(), validate_outcomes_are_univariate(), validate_prediction_size(), validate_predictors_are_numeric()


# All good
check_no_formula_duplication(y ~ x)

# Not good!
check_no_formula_duplication(y ~ y)

# This is generally okay
check_no_formula_duplication(y ~ log(y))

# But you can be more strict
check_no_formula_duplication(y ~ log(y), original = TRUE)

# This would throw an error
try(validate_no_formula_duplication(log(y) ~ log(y)))

Ensure that the outcome has binary factors


validate - asserts the following:

  • outcomes must have binary factor columns.

check - returns the following:

  • ok A logical. Does the check pass?

  • bad_cols A character vector. The names of the columns with problems.

  • num_levels An integer vector. The actual number of levels of the columns with problems.



check_outcomes_are_binary(outcomes, ..., call = caller_env())



An object to check.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


The expected way to use this validation function is to supply it the ⁠$outcomes⁠ element of the result of a call to mold().


validate_outcomes_are_binary() returns outcomes invisibly.

check_outcomes_are_binary() returns a named list of three components, ok, bad_cols, and num_levels.


hardhat provides validation functions at two levels.

  • ⁠check_*()⁠: check a condition, and return a list. The list always contains at least one element, ok, a logical that specifies if the check passed. Each check also has check specific elements in the returned list that can be used to construct meaningful error messages.

  • ⁠validate_*()⁠: check a condition, and error if it does not pass. These functions call their corresponding check function, and then provide a default error message. If you, as a developer, want a different error message, then call the ⁠check_*()⁠ function yourself, and provide your own validation function.

See Also

Other validation functions: validate_column_names(), validate_no_formula_duplication(), validate_outcomes_are_factors(), validate_outcomes_are_numeric(), validate_outcomes_are_univariate(), validate_prediction_size(), validate_predictors_are_numeric()


# Not a binary factor. 0 levels
check_outcomes_are_binary(data.frame(x = 1))

# Not a binary factor. 1 level
check_outcomes_are_binary(data.frame(x = factor("A")))

# All good
check_outcomes_are_binary(data.frame(x = factor(c("A", "B"))))

Ensure that the outcome has only factor columns


validate - asserts the following:

  • outcomes must have factor columns.

check - returns the following:

  • ok A logical. Does the check pass?

  • bad_classes A named list. The names are the names of problematic columns, and the values are the classes of the matching column.



check_outcomes_are_factors(outcomes, ..., call = caller_env())



An object to check.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


The expected way to use this validation function is to supply it the ⁠$outcomes⁠ element of the result of a call to mold().


validate_outcomes_are_factors() returns outcomes invisibly.

check_outcomes_are_factors() returns a named list of two components, ok and bad_classes.


hardhat provides validation functions at two levels.

  • ⁠check_*()⁠: check a condition, and return a list. The list always contains at least one element, ok, a logical that specifies if the check passed. Each check also has check specific elements in the returned list that can be used to construct meaningful error messages.

  • ⁠validate_*()⁠: check a condition, and error if it does not pass. These functions call their corresponding check function, and then provide a default error message. If you, as a developer, want a different error message, then call the ⁠check_*()⁠ function yourself, and provide your own validation function.

See Also

Other validation functions: validate_column_names(), validate_no_formula_duplication(), validate_outcomes_are_binary(), validate_outcomes_are_numeric(), validate_outcomes_are_univariate(), validate_prediction_size(), validate_predictors_are_numeric()


# Not a factor column.
check_outcomes_are_factors(data.frame(x = 1))

# All good
check_outcomes_are_factors(data.frame(x = factor(c("A", "B"))))

Ensure outcomes are all numeric


validate - asserts the following:

  • outcomes must have numeric columns.

check - returns the following:

  • ok A logical. Does the check pass?

  • bad_classes A named list. The names are the names of problematic columns, and the values are the classes of the matching column.



check_outcomes_are_numeric(outcomes, ..., call = caller_env())



An object to check.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


The expected way to use this validation function is to supply it the ⁠$outcomes⁠ element of the result of a call to mold().


validate_outcomes_are_numeric() returns outcomes invisibly.

check_outcomes_are_numeric() returns a named list of two components, ok and bad_classes.


hardhat provides validation functions at two levels.

  • ⁠check_*()⁠: check a condition, and return a list. The list always contains at least one element, ok, a logical that specifies if the check passed. Each check also has check specific elements in the returned list that can be used to construct meaningful error messages.

  • ⁠validate_*()⁠: check a condition, and error if it does not pass. These functions call their corresponding check function, and then provide a default error message. If you, as a developer, want a different error message, then call the ⁠check_*()⁠ function yourself, and provide your own validation function.

See Also

Other validation functions: validate_column_names(), validate_no_formula_duplication(), validate_outcomes_are_binary(), validate_outcomes_are_factors(), validate_outcomes_are_univariate(), validate_prediction_size(), validate_predictors_are_numeric()


# All good

# Species is not numeric

# This gives an intelligent error message

Ensure that the outcome is univariate


validate - asserts the following:

  • outcomes must have 1 column. Atomic vectors are treated as 1 column matrices.

check - returns the following:

  • ok A logical. Does the check pass?

  • n_cols A single numeric. The actual number of columns.






An object to check.


The expected way to use this validation function is to supply it the ⁠$outcomes⁠ element of the result of a call to mold().


validate_outcomes_are_univariate() returns outcomes invisibly.

check_outcomes_are_univariate() returns a named list of two components, ok and n_cols.


hardhat provides validation functions at two levels.

  • ⁠check_*()⁠: check a condition, and return a list. The list always contains at least one element, ok, a logical that specifies if the check passed. Each check also has check specific elements in the returned list that can be used to construct meaningful error messages.

  • ⁠validate_*()⁠: check a condition, and error if it does not pass. These functions call their corresponding check function, and then provide a default error message. If you, as a developer, want a different error message, then call the ⁠check_*()⁠ function yourself, and provide your own validation function.

See Also

Other validation functions: validate_column_names(), validate_no_formula_duplication(), validate_outcomes_are_binary(), validate_outcomes_are_factors(), validate_outcomes_are_numeric(), validate_prediction_size(), validate_predictors_are_numeric()


validate_outcomes_are_univariate(data.frame(x = 1))


Ensure that predictions have the correct number of rows


validate - asserts the following:

  • The size of pred must be the same as the size of new_data.

check - returns the following:

  • ok A logical. Does the check pass?

  • size_new_data A single numeric. The size of new_data.

  • size_pred A single numeric. The size of pred.


validate_prediction_size(pred, new_data)

check_prediction_size(pred, new_data, ..., call = caller_env())



A tibble. The predictions to return from any prediction type. This is often created using one of the spruce functions, like spruce_numeric().


A data frame of new predictors and possibly outcomes.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


This validation function is one that is more developer focused rather than user focused. It is a final check to be used right before a value is returned from your specific predict() method, and is mainly a "good practice" sanity check to ensure that your prediction blueprint always returns the same number of rows as new_data, which is one of the modeling conventions this package tries to promote.


validate_prediction_size() returns pred invisibly.

check_prediction_size() returns a named list of three components, ok, size_new_data, and size_pred.


hardhat provides validation functions at two levels.

  • ⁠check_*()⁠: check a condition, and return a list. The list always contains at least one element, ok, a logical that specifies if the check passed. Each check also has check specific elements in the returned list that can be used to construct meaningful error messages.

  • ⁠validate_*()⁠: check a condition, and error if it does not pass. These functions call their corresponding check function, and then provide a default error message. If you, as a developer, want a different error message, then call the ⁠check_*()⁠ function yourself, and provide your own validation function.

See Also

Other validation functions: validate_column_names(), validate_no_formula_duplication(), validate_outcomes_are_binary(), validate_outcomes_are_factors(), validate_outcomes_are_numeric(), validate_outcomes_are_univariate(), validate_predictors_are_numeric()


# Say new_data has 5 rows
new_data <- mtcars[1:5, ]

# And somehow you generate predictions
# for those 5 rows
pred_vec <- 1:5

# Then you use `spruce_numeric()` to clean
# up these numeric predictions
pred <- spruce_numeric(pred_vec)


# Use this check to ensure that
# the number of rows or pred match new_data
check_prediction_size(pred, new_data)

# An informative error message is thrown
# if the rows are different
try(validate_prediction_size(spruce_numeric(1:4), new_data))

Ensure predictors are all numeric


validate - asserts the following:

  • predictors must have numeric columns.

check - returns the following:

  • ok A logical. Does the check pass?

  • bad_classes A named list. The names are the names of problematic columns, and the values are the classes of the matching column.



check_predictors_are_numeric(predictors, ..., call = caller_env())



An object to check.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The call used for errors and warnings.


The expected way to use this validation function is to supply it the ⁠$predictors⁠ element of the result of a call to mold().


validate_predictors_are_numeric() returns predictors invisibly.

check_predictors_are_numeric() returns a named list of two components, ok, and bad_classes.


hardhat provides validation functions at two levels.

  • ⁠check_*()⁠: check a condition, and return a list. The list always contains at least one element, ok, a logical that specifies if the check passed. Each check also has check specific elements in the returned list that can be used to construct meaningful error messages.

  • ⁠validate_*()⁠: check a condition, and error if it does not pass. These functions call their corresponding check function, and then provide a default error message. If you, as a developer, want a different error message, then call the ⁠check_*()⁠ function yourself, and provide your own validation function.

See Also

Other validation functions: validate_column_names(), validate_no_formula_duplication(), validate_outcomes_are_binary(), validate_outcomes_are_factors(), validate_outcomes_are_numeric(), validate_outcomes_are_univariate(), validate_prediction_size()


# All good

# Species is not numeric

# This gives an intelligent error message

Weighted table


weighted_table() computes a weighted contingency table based on factors provided in ... and a double vector of weights provided in weights. It can be seen as a weighted extension to base::table() and an alternative to stats::xtabs().

weighted_table() always uses the exact set of levels returned by levels() when constructing the table. This results in the following properties:

  • Missing values found in the factors are never included in the table unless there is an explicit NA factor level. If needed, this can be added to a factor with base::addNA() or forcats::fct_expand(x, NA).

  • Levels found in the factors that aren't actually used in the underlying data are included in the table with a value of 0. If needed, you can drop unused factor levels by re-running your factor through factor(), or by calling forcats::fct_drop().

See the examples section for more information about these properties.


weighted_table(..., weights, na_remove = FALSE)



Factors of equal length to use in the weighted table. If the ... are named, those names will propagate onto the "dimnames names" of the resulting table. At least one factor must be provided.


A double vector of weights used to fill the cells of the weighted table. This must be the same length as the factors provided in ....


A single TRUE or FALSE for handling whether or not missing values in weights should be removed when summing up the weights.


The result of weighted_table() does not have a "table" class attached to it. It is only a double array. This is because "table" objects are defined as containing integer counts, but weighted tables can utilize fractional weights.


The weighted table as an array of double values.


x <- factor(c("x", "y", "z", "x", "x", "y"))
y <- factor(c("a", "b", "a", "a", "b", "b"))
w <- c(1.5, 2, 1.1, .5, 3, 2)

weighted_table(x = x, y = y, weights = w)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If `weights` contains missing values, then missing values will be
# propagated into the weighted table
x <- factor(c("x", "y", "y"))
y <- factor(c("a", "b", "b"))
w <- c(1, NA, 3)

weighted_table(x = x, y = y, weights = w)

# You can remove the missing values while summing up the weights with
# `na_remove = TRUE`
weighted_table(x = x, y = y, weights = w, na_remove = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If there are missing values in the factors, those typically don't show
# up in the weighted table
x <- factor(c("x", NA, "y", "x"))
y <- factor(c("a", "b", "a", NA))
w <- 1:4

weighted_table(x = x, y = y, weights = w)

# This is because the missing values aren't considered explicit levels

# You can force them to show up in the table by using `addNA()` ahead of time
# (or `forcats::fct_expand(x, NA)`)
x <- addNA(x, ifany = TRUE)
y <- addNA(y, ifany = TRUE)

weighted_table(x = x, y = y, weights = w)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If there are levels in your factors that aren't actually used in the
# underlying data, then they will still show up in the table with a `0` value
x <- factor(c("x", "y", "x"), levels = c("x", "y", "z"))
y <- factor(c("a", "b", "a"), levels = c("a", "b", "c"))
w <- 1:3

weighted_table(x = x, y = y, weights = w)

# If you want to drop these empty factor levels from the result, you can
# rerun `factor()` ahead of time to drop them (or `forcats::fct_drop()`)
x <- factor(x)
y <- factor(y)

weighted_table(x = x, y = y, weights = w)