1. applicable::ames_new
    Recent Ames Iowa Houses
  2. applicable::binary_tr
    Binary QSAR Data
  3. applicable::binary_unk
    Binary QSAR Data
  4. applicable::okc_binary_test
    OkCupid Binary Predictors
  5. applicable::okc_binary_train
    OkCupid Binary Predictors
  6. censored::time_to_million
    Number of days before a movie grosses $1M USD
  7. desirability2::classification_results
    Classification results
  8. discrim::parabolic
    Parabolic class boundary data
  9. embed::solubility
    Compound solubility data
  10. hardhat::example_test
    Example data for hardhat
  11. hardhat::example_train
    Example data for hardhat
  12. infer::gss
    Subset of data from the General Social Survey (GSS).
  13. modeldata::Chicago
    Chicago ridership data
  14. modeldata::Sacramento
    Sacramento CA home prices
  15. modeldata::Smithsonian
    Smithsonian museums
  16. modeldata::ad_data
    Alzheimer's disease data
  17. modeldata::ames
    Ames Housing Data
  18. modeldata::attrition
    Job attrition
  19. modeldata::biomass
    Biomass data
  20. modeldata::bivariate_test
    Example bivariate classification data
  21. modeldata::bivariate_train
    Example bivariate classification data
  22. modeldata::bivariate_val
    Example bivariate classification data
  23. modeldata::car_prices
    Kelly Blue Book resale data for 2005 model year GM cars
  24. modeldata::cat_adoption
    Cat Adoption
  25. modeldata::cells
    Cell body segmentation
  26. modeldata::check_times
    Execution time data
  27. modeldata::chem_proc_yield
    Chemical manufacturing process data set
  28. modeldata::concrete
    Compressive strength of concrete mixtures
  29. modeldata::covers
    Raw cover type data
  30. modeldata::credit_data
    Credit data
  31. modeldata::crickets
    Rates of Cricket Chirps
  32. modeldata::deliveries
    Food Delivery Time Data
  33. modeldata::drinks
    Sample time series data
  34. modeldata::grants_2008
    Grant acceptance data
  35. modeldata::grants_other
    Grant acceptance data
  36. modeldata::grants_test
    Grant acceptance data
  37. modeldata::hepatic_injury_qsar
    Predicting hepatic injury from chemical information
  38. modeldata::hotel_rates
    Daily Hotel Rate Data
  39. modeldata::hpc_cv
    Class probability predictions
  40. modeldata::hpc_data
    High-performance computing system data
  41. modeldata::ischemic_stroke
    Clinical data used to predict ischemic stroke
  42. modeldata::leaf_id_flavia
    Leaf identification data (Flavia)
  43. modeldata::lending_club
    Loan data
  44. modeldata::meats
    Fat, water and protein content of meat samples
  45. modeldata::mlc_churn
    Customer churn data
  46. modeldata::oils
    Fatty acid composition of commercial oils
  47. modeldata::parabolic
    Parabolic class boundary data
  48. modeldata::pathology
    Liver pathology data
  49. modeldata::pd_speech
    Parkinson's disease speech classification data set
  50. modeldata::penguins
    Palmer Station penguin data
  51. modeldata::permeability_qsar
    Predicting permeability from chemical information
  52. modeldata::scat
    Morphometric data on scat
  53. modeldata::solubility_test
    Solubility predictions from MARS model
  54. modeldata::stackoverflow
    Annual Stack Overflow Developer Survey Data
  55. modeldata::stations
    Chicago ridership data
  56. modeldata::steroidogenic_toxicity
    Predicting steroidogenic toxicity with assay data
  57. modeldata::tate_text
    Tate Gallery modern artwork metadata
  58. modeldata::taxi
    Chicago taxi data set
  59. modeldata::testing_data
    Fine foods example data
  60. modeldata::training_data
    Fine foods example data
  61. modeldata::two_class_dat
    Two class data
  62. modeldata::two_class_example
    Two class predictions
  63. modeldata::wa_churn
    Watson churn data
  64. modeldatatoo::building_complaints
    NYC Building Complaints
  65. multilevelmod::longitudinal_counts
    Simulated longitudinal Poisson counts
  66. multilevelmod::msa_data
    Measurement systems analysis data
  67. multilevelmod::riesby
    Imipramine longitudinal data
  68. parsnip::model_db
    parsnip model specification database
  69. poissonreg::seniors
    Alcohol, Cigarette, and Marijuana Use for High School Seniors
  70. probably::boosting_predictions_oob
    Boosted regression trees predictions
  71. probably::boosting_predictions_test
    Boosted regression trees predictions
  72. probably::segment_logistic
    Image segmentation predictions
  73. probably::segment_naive_bayes
    Image segmentation predictions
  74. probably::species_probs
    Predictions on animal species
  75. shinymodels::ames_mlp_itr
    Iterative optimization of neural network
    iteration_results|5 x 6
  76. shinymodels::cars_bag_vfld
    Resampled bagged tree results
    resample_results|10 x 5
  77. shinymodels::cell_race
    A CART classification tree tuned via racing
    tune_race|10 x 6
  78. shinymodels::scat_fda_bt
    Tuned flexible discriminant analysis results
    tune_results|5 x 5
  79. shinymodels::two_class_final
    Test set results for logistic regression
    last_fit|1 x 6
  80. spatialsample::boston_canopy
    Boston tree canopy and heat index data.
  81. stacks::class_folds
    Example Objects
    vfold_cv|5 x 2
  82. stacks::class_res_nn
    Example Objects
    resample_results|5 x 5
  83. stacks::class_res_rf
    Example Objects
    tune_results|5 x 5
  84. stacks::log_res_nn
    Example Objects
    resample_results|5 x 5
  85. stacks::log_res_rf
    Example Objects
    tune_results|5 x 5
  86. stacks::reg_folds
    Example Objects
    vfold_cv|5 x 2
  87. stacks::reg_res_lr
    Example Objects
    resample_results|5 x 5
  88. stacks::reg_res_sp
    Example Objects
    tune_results|5 x 5
  89. stacks::reg_res_svm
    Example Objects
    tune_results|5 x 5
  90. stacks::tree_frogs
    Tree frog embryo hatching data
  91. stacks::tree_frogs_class_test
    Example Objects
  92. stacks::tree_frogs_reg_test
    Example Objects
  93. textrecipes::emoji_samples
    Sample sentences with emojis
  94. themis::circle_example
    Synthetic Dataset With a Circle
  95. tidyposterior::concrete_example
    Example Data Sets
  96. tidyposterior::contrast_samples
    Example Data Sets
    posterior_diff|10000 x 4
  97. tidyposterior::noisy_example
    Example Data Sets
  98. tidyposterior::posterior_samples
    Example Data Sets
  99. tidyposterior::precise_example
    Example Data Sets
  100. tidyposterior::ts_example
    Example Data Sets
  101. tune::ames_grid_search
    Example Analysis of Ames Housing Data
    tune_results|10 x 4
  102. tune::ames_iter_search
    Example Analysis of Ames Housing Data
    iteration_results|110 x 5
  103. tune::ames_wflow
    Example Analysis of Ames Housing Data
  104. workflowsets::chi_features_res
    Chicago Features Example Data
    workflow_set|3 x 4
  105. workflowsets::chi_features_set
    Chicago Features Example Data
    workflow_set|3 x 4
  106. workflowsets::two_class_res
    Two Class Example Data
    workflow_set|6 x 4
  107. workflowsets::two_class_set
    Two Class Example Data
    workflow_set|6 x 4
  108. yardstick::hpc_cv
    Multiclass Probability Predictions
  109. yardstick::lung_surv
    Survival Analysis Results
    tbl_df|228 x 3
  110. yardstick::pathology
    Liver Pathology Data
  111. yardstick::solubility_test
    Solubility Predictions from MARS Model
  112. yardstick::two_class_example
    Two Class Predictions